
Open access, peer-reviewed publications ensure that knowledge is a public good. HESI believes that accessible research is critical for equitable engagement, diverse collaboration, and increased interdisciplinary conversation. We strive to achieve open access on all publications, and more than 200 publications from HESI programs have been published in the last decade.

Impact of HESI Publications

The incidence of spontaneous arrhythmias in telemetered beagle dogs, Göttingen Minipigs and Cynomolgus non-human primates: A HESI consortium retrospective analysis

Members of the HESI Cardiac Safety Committee pooled retrospective data to explore the incidence of spontaneous arrhythmias and effect of telemetry implants in species typically used in safety pharmacology studies.

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International evaluation study of a highly efficient culture assay for detection of residual human pluripotent stem cells in cell therapies

HESI’s Cell Therapy-TRAcking, Circulation & Safety Technical Committee completed an international, multisite study to evaluate the sensitivity and reproducibility of the highly efficient culture (HEC) assay, an in vitro assay to detect residual undifferentiated human pluripotent stem cells (hPSCs) in cell therapy ...

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Error-corrected next-generation sequencing to advance nonclinical genotoxicity and carcinogenicity testing

The GTTC is pleased to share its newest publication, “Error-corrected next-generation sequencing to advance nonclinical genotoxicity and carcinogenicity testing,” published in Nature Reviews Drug Discovery. The commentary highlights the potential applications, advantages and challenges associated with ...

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