Impact of HESI Publications

HESI’s scientific programs provide an opportunity for academic, government, and industry scientists to interact on a peer-to-peer basis to address both emerging and long-standing challenges in safety evaluation. HESI conducts a formal citations analysis every 3-5 years, with the most recent citations analysis having been conducted in 2018. The ongoing research, discussions, critiques, and sharing of best practices within HESI are valuable contributions to the practice of science, as evidenced by the examples below.

Global Impact through Peer-Reviewed Science

Over 400 publications from HESI scientific programs have been published throughout the last 30 years, with more than 200 publications in peer-reviewed literature in the last decade.

HESI publications have been cited over 28,000 times in more than 3,600 different scientific journals by scientists from over 1,600 organizations (academic, government, industry, foundations, hospitals, etc.) in 75 different countries.

See more HESI publications citations statistics via Google Scholar.

Citations for HESI Publications by Year

This figure shows the number of times HESI publications were cited each calendar year, demonstrating that citations of HESI publications have consistently increased year-over-year.

Citation Activity by Publication and Year

Citations for individual HESI publications (each publication is represented by a different color) by year shows a clear upward trend.

Geographic Distribution of Lead Citing Authors

This map shows the geographic location for lead authors who have cited HESI publications, demonstrating the broad geographic reach of HESI publication citations.

Types of Organizational Affiliations for Lead Citing Authors

The primary authors of articles citing HESI publications represent 1,653 different organizations including a wide variety of government, institute/non-profit, academic, and commercial entities.

HESI papers routinely win awards for their impact and relevance. A few examples:

Awarded: Cover of Journal of Applied Toxicology August 2024

Liu et al., 2024. Prediction of physicochemical and pharmacokinetic properties of botanical constituents by computational models. Journal of Applied ToxicologyAvailable online here.

Awarded: March 2024 Most cited articles in Toxicological Sciences over the past two years.

Johnson KJ, Auerbach SS, Stevens T, Barton-Maclaren TS, Costa E, Currie RA, Dalmas Wilk D, Haq S, Rager JE, Reardon AJF, Wehmas L, Williams A, O’Brien J, Yauk C, LaRocca JL, Pettit S (2024) A Transformative Vision for an Omics-Based Regulatory Chemical Testing Paradigm. Toxicological Sciences. Available online here.

Awarded: June 2022 EMM Editor’s Choice Article.

Eunnara Cho, Ashley Allemang, Marc Audebert, Vinita Chauhan, Stephen Dertinger, Giel Hendriks, Mirjam Luijten, Francesco Marchetti, Sheroy Minocherhomji, Stefan Pfuhler, Daniel J. Roberts, Kristina Trenz, Carole L. Yauk (2022) AOP report: Development of an adverse outcome pathway for oxidative DNA damage leading to mutations and chromosomal aberrations. Environmental and Molecular Mutagenesis. Available online here.

Awarded: SPS 2019 Publication on Technological Innovation Award.

Boulay E, Abernathy MM, Chui R, Friedrichs GS, Gendron-Parra N, Greiter-Wilke A, Guillon JM, Koerner JE, Menard A, Steidl-Nichols J, Pierson J, Pugsley MK, Rossman EI, Strauss D, Troncy E, Valentin JP, Wisialowski T, Authier S (2018) A Proof-of-Concept Evaluation of JTPc and Tp-Tec as Proarrythmia Biomarkers in Preclinical Species: A Retrospective Analysis by a HESI-Sponsored Consortium. International Journal of Pharmacology. Available online here.

Awarded: SPS 2018 Publication on Translational Safety Pharmacology Award.

Park EJ, Gintant GA, Bi D, Kozeli D, Pettit SD, Pierson JB, Skinner M, Willard J, Wisialowski T, Koerner J, Valentin JP (2017) Can Nonclinical Repolarization Assays Predict the Results of Clinical Thorough QT Studies? Results from a Research Consortium. British Journal of Pharmacology. Available online here.

Awarded: DIA Author of the Year 2017 and Most Downloaded Publication of 2017.

Stewart J, Breslin WJ, Beyer BK, Chadwick K, De Schaepdrijver L, Desai M, Enright B, Foster W, Hui JY, Moffat GJ, Tornesi B, Van Malderen K, Wiesner L, Chen CL (2016) Birth Control in Clinical Trials: Industry Survey of Current Use Practices, Governance, and Monitoring. Therapeutic Innovation and Regulatory Science. Available online here.

Awarded: Environmental and Molecular Mutagenesis Editor’s Choice and SOT Risk Assessment Specialty Section Top 10 Paper for Advancing the Science of Risk Assessment 2014.

Johnson GE, Soeteman-Hernández LG, Gollapudi BB, Bodger OG, Dearfield KL, Heflich RH, Hixon JG, Lovell DP, MacGregor JT, Pottenger LH, Thompson CM, Abraham L, Thybaud V, Tanir JY, Zeiger E, van Benthem J, White PA (2014) Derivation of Point of Departure (PoD) Estimates in Genetic Toxicology Studies and Their Potential Applications in Risk Assessment. Environmental and Molecular Mutagenesis. Available online here.

Awarded: SOT Risk Assessment Specialty Section Top 10 Paper for Advancing the Science of Risk Assessment 2012.

Gollapudi BB, Johnson GE, Hernandez LG, Pottenger LH, Dearfield KL, Jeffrey AM, Julien E, Kim JH, Lovell DP, MacGregor JT, Moore MM, van Benthem J, White PA, Zeiger E, Thybaud V (2013) Quantitative Approaches for Assessing Dose-Response Relationships in Genetic Toxicology Studies. Environmental and Molecular Mutagenesis. Available online here.

Awarded: SETAC Best Paper 2012, Honorable Mention and SOT Risk Assessment Specialty Section Top 10 Paper for Advancing the Science of Risk Assessment 2012.

Selck H, Drouillard K, Eisenreich K, Koelmans AA, Palmqvist A, Ruus A, Salvito D, Schultz I, Stewart R, Weisbrod A, van den Brink NW, van den Heuvel-Greve M (2011) Explaining Differences Between Bioaccumulation Measurements in Laboratory and Field Data Through Use of a Probabilistic Modeling Approach. Integrated Environmental Assessment and Management. Available online here.

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