Translational Biomarkers of Neurotoxicity (NeuTox) Committee

Mission Statement

The committee’s mission is to identify biomarkers for improving the prediction of neurotoxicity and seizurogenic compounds using microelectrode array (MEA).

Working Groups

  • Translational Biomarkers of Neurotoxicity

    This group is working toward identifying biomarkers of improving the prediction of neurotoxicity and identifying correlations in behavioral, imaging, and neuropathological endpoints. A phase 2
    study was launched to validate a set of biomarkers of neurotoxicity.

  • Microelectrode Array Subteam

    This group is working toward characterizing the predictivity of seizurogenic activity using MEA technology. A final analysis of data generated from a multi-site study is expected by early 2023.

  • Think Tank Planning Subteam

    A subteam was formed to plan a small Think Tank workshop where participants will
    discuss possible new areas of focus and next steps.

HESI Staff

Leadership Team

  • Tucker Patterson, PhD

    U.S. Food & Drug Administration

  • Ruth Roberts, PhD, FRSB, FRCPath

    ApconiX, Ltd.

Committee Publications


Can We Panelize Seizure?

Seizure liability remains a significant cause of attrition in drug discovery and development, leading to loss of competitiveness, delays and increased costs. Current detection methods rely on observations made in in vivo studies intended to support clinical trials, such as tremors or other abnormal movements. These signs ...

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A Method for Sampling Rat Cerebrospinal Fluid with Minimal Blood Contamination: A Critical Tool for Biomarker Studies

Sampling and analysis of cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) is a common clinical practice used in the diagnosis, treatment, and prevention of neurological diseases. A similar interest is the sampling of CSF from rats to bridge the gap between bench-to-bedside work and to foster the development of new CSF biomarkers for clinical use. Here, ...

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Drug Discovery and Development: Biomarkers of Neurotoxicity and Neurodegeneration

Attrition in drug discovery and development remains a major challenge. Safety/toxicity is the most prevalent reason for failure with cardiovascular and CNS toxicities predominating. Non-invasive biomarkers of neurotoxicity would provide significant advantage by allowing earlier prediction of likely neurotoxicity in ...

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Changes in the Metabolome and microRNA Levels in Biological Fluids Might Represent Biomarkers of Neurotoxicity: A Trimethyltin Study

Neurotoxicity has been linked with exposure to a number of common drugs and chemicals, yet efficient, accurate, and minimally invasive methods to detect it are lacking. Fluid-based biomarkers such as those found in serum, plasma, urine, and cerebrospinal fluid have great potential due to the relative ease of sampling but at ...

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Translational Biomarkers of Neurotoxicity: A Health and Environmental Sciences Institute Perspective on the Way Forward

Neurotoxicity has been linked to a number of common drugs and chemicals, yet efficient and accurate methods to detect it are lacking. There is a need for more sensitive and specific biomarkers of neurotoxicity that can help diagnose and predict neurotoxicity that are relevant across animal models and translational from ...

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Society for Neuroscience Annual Meeting

Chicago, IL, USA

We are excited to announce the upcoming Translational Biomarkers of Neurotoxicity (NeuTox) Mini Session at this year's Society for Neuroscience Annual Meeting in Chicago!

Read more

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