Next Generation Ecological Risk Assessment

Note: As of 2022, the former Animal Alternatives in ERA and Bioaccumulation Committees have merged to form the Next Generation ERA Committee

Mission Statement

To develop, refine, and communicate the scientific tools and approaches needed to support ecological risk assessment around the globe, with a focus on alternative, non-animal testing methods.

Working Groups

  • Alternatives to Chronic Fish Testing

    Building from previous committee work, a new scoping group will be formed 2Q 2022 to explore recent challenges and opportunities related to alternatives for chronic fish tests (e.g., OECD TG 210).

  • Bioaccumulation and Toxicokinetics

    This working group is focused on understanding the processes that impact the behavior of contaminants within an organism in order to refine ecological risk assessment. Though much of the initial work was focused specifically on bioaccumulation metrics, the group has expanded to consider how toxicokinetics can help inform interpretation of toxicity data, study design, cross-species extrapolations, and species sensitivity. The group has 3 sub-groups that are each focusing on various taxa important for ecological risk assessment: birds, invertebrates, and fish.

  • Ecotoxicology Endocrine Toolbox

    This team, a collaboration between HESI and NC3Rs, is focused on assessing available in vitro/in silico methods (new approach methodologies [NAMs]) to evaluate chemicals that may act via an endocrine pathway in fish and amphibians. Within this effort, several sub-groups focus on related supporting topics:

    • NAM evaluation & case study development
    • in vivo endocrine disrupting chemical (EDC) tests in fish and amphibians, focusing on analysis of historical control data
    • Maximum Tolerated Dose (MTD) project
  • Effluent Assessment

    This team is working to engage with various stakeholders about current effluent testing approaches and needs within North America, to identify the opportunities and limitations related to alternative methods. Ongoing work is focused on the development of informational webinars and information sharing across stakeholders to identify suitable next steps.

  • EnviroTox Database and Tools / Ecological Threshold of Toxicological Concern (ecoTTC)

    This group is tasked with developing a strategy to update and augment the EnviroTox database ( and refine and further develop applicable tools. Case studies to illustrate the use and application of the database and tools are ongoing.

HESI Staff

Steering Team - TBD

Committee Publications


Derivation of Algal Acute to Chronic Ratios for Use in Chemical Toxicity Extrapolations

Algal toxicity studies are required by regulatory agencies for a variety of purposes including classification and labeling and environmental risk assessment of chemicals. Algae are also frequently the most sensitive taxonomic group tested. Acute to chronic ratios (ACRs) have been challenging to derive for algal species ...

Read more

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Committee Events

No results.

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Contact Us

Health and Environmental Sciences Institute (HESI)
Phone: +1-202-659-8404
Fax: +1-202-659-3859

740 15th Street NW, Suite 600
Washington, DC 20005

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