Upcoming Events

Rethinking Developmental Toxicity Testing: Evolution or Revolution

Washington, District of Columbia, USA

This workshop will consider new strategies to identify developmental hazards taking into account the current state of science which may include alternative possibilities or improvements to the current Segment 2 design. These considerations could include the use of new technology to overcome some of the limitations in ...

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T-Cell Biology and Application to Immunopharmacology and Immunotoxicology Course

Gaithersburg, Maryland , USA

The field of immunotoxicology is a dynamic one in which changing public health concerns, novel biomedical research advances, and innovative technological developments constantly change the landscape and the way in which work is carried out and utilized. As this field requires combined expertise in both immunology and ...

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HESI Framework for Intelligent Non-Animal Methods for Safety Assessment Workshop

Rockville, MD, USA

The need to develop new tools and increased capacity to test chemicals and pharmaceuticals for potential adverse impact on human health and the environment is an active area of development. A series of NRC reports in 2007 and 2009 recognized and recommended that effective implementation of new technologies in risk assessment ...

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Health and Environmental Sciences Institute (HESI)

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Washington, DC 20005

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