
Open access, peer-reviewed publications ensure that knowledge is a public good. HESI believes that accessible research is critical for equitable engagement, diverse collaboration, and increased interdisciplinary conversation. We strive to achieve open access on all publications, and more than 200 publications from HESI programs have been published in the last decade.

Impact of HESI Publications

Repolarization Studies Using Human Stem Cell-Derived Cardiomyocytes: Validation Studies and Best Practice Recommendations

Human stem cell-derived cardiomyocytes (hSC-CMs) hold great promise as in vitro models to study the electrophysiological effects of novel drug candidates on human ventricular repolarization. Two recent large validation studies have demonstrated the ability of hSC-CMs to detect drug-induced delayed ...

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Can We Panelize Seizure?

Seizure liability remains a significant cause of attrition in drug discovery and development, leading to loss of competitiveness, delays and increased costs. Current detection methods rely on observations made in in vivo studies intended to support clinical trials, such as tremors or other abnormal movements. These signs ...

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Health Disparities, COVID-19, and Owning Our Share

The COVID-19 pandemic has left many frightened, saddened, and angered at its impact on our lives and the world around us. The disease has laid bare failures to protect our citizens generally but our vulnerable and underserved most of all. Growing evidence reveals that minority and low-income populations are experiencing ...

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Urinary miRNA Biomarkers of Drug-Induced Kidney Injury and Their Site Specificity Within the Nephron

Drug-induced kidney injury (DIKI) is a major concern in both drug development and clinical practice. There is an unmet need for biomarkers of glomerular damage and more distal renal injury in the loop of Henle and the collecting duct (CD). A cross-laboratory program to identify and characterize urinary microRNA (miRNA) patterns ...

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Use of the ZDF Rat to Model Dietary Fat Induced Hypercoagulability is Limited by Progressive and Fatal Nephropathy

The study (Pugsley et al., 2021. Journal of Pharmacological and Toxicological Methods) focused on the effects of high versus low dietary fat on the development of Type 2 diabetes in obese male ZDF rats, including biomarkers to detect early signs of hypercoagulability and vascular injury in the absence of overt thrombosis. Results ...

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Derivation of Algal Acute to Chronic Ratios for Use in Chemical Toxicity Extrapolations

Algal toxicity studies are required by regulatory agencies for a variety of purposes including classification and labeling and environmental risk assessment of chemicals. Algae are also frequently the most sensitive taxonomic group tested. Acute to chronic ratios (ACRs) have been challenging to derive for algal species ...

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