The ILSI Health and Environmental Sciences Institute (HESI) held its 2014 Annual Meeting on 10-12 June 2014 at the Westin Hotel, 2350 M St NW, Washington, DC 20037, USA.
The HESI Annual Meeting featured presentations and events that celebrated HESI's past, present, and future, including engaging lectures from some of our most influential thought leaders over the years. Participants learned about innovative collaborations across the NGO, academic, government, and industrial sectors to improve human health and the environment; discussed proposals that would benefit from HESI's multi-sector collaborative approach; and explored the promise and challenges of continuing HESI's rich history of innovative parterships and achieving scientific impact.
Tab 1 - Meeting Agenda
Tab 2 - HESI Business Meeting
Tab 3 - Emerging Issues Session
Tab 4 - HESI Today
Tab 5 - HESI History
Tab 6 - Speaker Bios
Tab 7 - Participants
The CSSI Apporoach to Innovative Teams
Dr. Jerry Lee (National Cancer Institute, Center for Strategic Scientific Initiatives)
Resource Use - Spurring Efficient Innovation through CrowdSourcing - The Harvard Catalyst Model
Dr. Eva Guinan (Harvard Medical School)
Evaluating Impact of NIH Clinical and Translational Science Awards Program
Dr. Deborah DiazGranados (Virginia Commonwealth University)
HESI's Role in Translational Science via CITE
Dr. Brian Berridge (GlaxoSmithKline, HESI Trustee)
25 Years of Impact and Achievement
Dr. Kendall Wallace (University of Minnesota Medical School, HESI Chair)
A Perspective on HESI's Scientific Committees
Dr. Michael P Holsapple (Covance, former HESI Executive Director)
Developmental and Reproductive Toxicology Technical Committee
Dr. Wafa Harrouk (US Food and Drug Administration)
Bioaccumulation Technical Committee
Dr. John Nichols (US Environmental Protection Agency)
Genetic Toxicology Technical Committee
Dr. Stefan Pfuhler (Procter & Gamble Company)
RISK21 Technical Committee
Prof. Alan Boobis (Imperial College London)
HESI Looking Forward - The Next 25 Years
Syril D. Pettit (HESI Executive Director)
Advancing a Quality of Life Agenda: Innovation, Ingenuity & Advocacy
Dr. Rebecca Kirch (American Cancer Society)
Generating Tailored Solutions from Big Data: The Future of Health and Environmental Data Interrogation. In Silico Modeling of Systems Biological Networks
Dr. Nathan Price (Institute for Systems Biology)
Innovative Apporaches to Partnership to Support Public Health
Dr. Jason Clay (World Wildlife Fund)
HESI's Approach to identifying Emerging Science Priorities
Dr. Hal Zenick (US Environmental Protection Agency, EIC Chair)
Dr. Ruth Roberts (AstraZeneca R&D; EIC Vice Chair)
Framework for intelligent non-animal alternative methods for safety assessment
Dr. J. Craig Rowlands (Dow Chemical Company)
Prof. Alan Boobis (Imperial College London)
Strategies to integrate exposure, PBPK models and data on metabolism to predict plasma levels of compounds and their metabolites that are directly comparable to in vitro toxicology results
Dr. Timothy Pastoor (Syngenta)
A new exposure science emerging from new demands, technology, and big data
Dr. Rosemary Zaleski (ExxonMobil Biomedical Sciences)
Dr. Hal Zenick (US Environmental Protection Agency)
Environmental chemicals and low-dose non-monotonic dose-responses: Is there an impact on risk assessment-based study design and interpretation?
Dr. Sue Yi (Syngenta)
Dr. Rita Schoeny (US Environmental Protection Agency)
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