Upcoming Events

6th TPD Summit

Boston, USA

The 6th TPD Summit is here! The summit kicks off with a panel discussion featuring HESI's Targeted Protein Degrader Safety Committee members and HESI Staff, on developing TPD study design for preclinical safety assessment of degraders.

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HESI Next Generation Ecological Risk Assessment Committee Workshop on Alternatives to In Vivo Chronic Fish Testing

Paris, France

A HESI workshop on “Alternatives to Chronic Fish Toxicity Testing” was held in Paris, France on October 25-26 2023, attended by 35 multi-sector scientists from 12 different countries. The workshop was aimed at developing a strategy to guide alternative approaches for the assessment of chronic toxicity to fish, with a focus on ...

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HESI DART Workshop: Strategies for Oligonucleotides

Hybrid, HESI Offices, Washington DC

This workshop will consider application of DART principles to fit attributes of ASOs, siRNAs and other oligonucleotide therapeutics and highlight gaps and challenges associated with determining the most appropriate strategies to account for potential risk to a varied patient population and spectrum of disease conditions.

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HESI ITC Clinician Roundtable Event

Virtual, Event

The topic will be introduced by the Translational Immune Safety WG leads: Ana Goyos and Jean Sathish. This will be followed by short statements from our clinician scientist and a roundtable discussion.

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