Critical Reviews in Toxicology. 2011;41(3):175-186
Abstract: The European Centre for Ecotoxicology and Toxicology of Chemicals (ECETOC) and the Health and Environmental Sciences Institute (HESI) hosted a workshop in November 2009 to review current practice in the application of mode of action (MOA) considerations in chemical risk assessment. The aim was to provide a rationale for a more general, but flexible approach and to propose steps to facilitate broader uptake and use of the MOA concept. There was consensus amongst the workshop participants that it will require substantial effort and cooperation from the multiple disciplines involved to embrace a common, consistent, and transparent approach. Setting up a repository of accepted MOAs and associated guidance concerning appropriate data to support specific MOAs for critical effects would facilitate categorization of chemicals and allow predictions of toxicity outcomes by read-across. This should in future contribute to the reduction of toxicity testing in animals. The workshop participants also acknowledged the value and importance of human data and the importance of integrating information from biological pathway analyses into current MOA/human relevance frameworks.
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