Juvenile Immunotoxicology

  • Publication Date :
  • Publication Type : Journal Article
  • Author(s) : Holsapple MP, O'Lone R
  • Journal Name : Toxicologic Pathology

Toxicologic Pathology. 2012;40(2):248-254

Abstract: Developmental immunotoxicity (DIT) testing is centered around the concern that exposure to immunotoxicants early in development may result in enhanced susceptibility of, or unique or more persistent effects on, the immune system, in comparison to adult exposure. Developmental immunotoxicity has been the focus of numerous workshops and reviews for at least fifteen years. Most of these earlier activities have focused on both environmental chemicals and pharmaceuticals and have concluded that the best approach to DIT is to address the possible impacts of exposure during all of the critical windows of development. This article will emphasize the critical role played by exposure during the juvenile stage of development. This article will also highlight several key issues that distinguish DIT testing of pharmaceuticals. Representatives from the pharmaceutical, biotechnology, academic, and regulatory sectors (both FDA and EMA) were brought together during a two-day workshop in May 2010 to consider the current state of the science of DIT as it pertains to the testing of pharmaceuticals. It is important to emphasize at the onset that there are currently no regulatory guidelines for either drugs or nondrug chemicals specifically focused on assessment of DIT, although some general guidelines are included in both developmental and reproductive toxicity and general immunotoxicology guidance documents.

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