Forum Series: Research Strategies for Safety Evaluation of Nanomaterials

  • Publication Date :
  • Publication Type : Journal Article
  • Author(s) : Holsapple MP, Lehman-McKeeman LD
  • Journal Name : Toxicological Sciences

Toxicological Sciences. 2005 Oct 1;87(2):315

Abstract: The Forum Section of Toxicological Sciences is designed to include discussions and commentaries on relevant and timely issues facing toxicologists and to provide an interface between toxicology and public policy. In 2004, a series of articles to discuss approaches to carcinogenicity risk assessment was developed which featured contributions from prominent scientists from around the world. The goal for the series of articles was to facilitate the communication of ideas and promote global discussion to enhance the scientific basis for evaluating the cancer risk that chemicals might pose for people. In the present issue of the journal, we initiate the second series of Forum articles which will focus on the development of sound scientific strategies for the safety evaluation and risk assessment of nanomaterials.

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