
Open access, peer-reviewed publications ensure that knowledge is a public good. HESI believes that accessible research is critical for equitable engagement, diverse collaboration, and increased interdisciplinary conversation. We strive to achieve open access on all publications, and more than 200 publications from HESI programs have been published in the last decade.

Impact of HESI Publications

Biological Qualification of Biomarkers of Chemical-Induced Renal Toxicity in Two Strains of Male Rat

This study reports the evaluation of four urinary biomarkers of renal toxicity, α-glutathione-S-transferase (α-GST), μ-GST, clusterin, and renal papillary antigen-1 (RPA-1), in male Sprague-Dawley and Han-Wistar rats given cisplatin, gentamicin, or N-phenylanthranilic acid (NPAA).

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Developmental Toxicity Testing for Safety Assessment: New Approaches and Technologies

The ILSI Health and Environmental Sciences Institute's Developmental and Reproductive Toxicology Technical Committee held a 2-day workshop entitled “Developmental Toxicology—New Directions” in April 2009.

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