
Open access, peer-reviewed publications ensure that knowledge is a public good. HESI believes that accessible research is critical for equitable engagement, diverse collaboration, and increased interdisciplinary conversation. We strive to achieve open access on all publications, and more than 200 publications from HESI programs have been published in the last decade.

Impact of HESI Publications

Opportunities and Challenges Related to Saturation of Toxicokinetic Processes: Implications for Risk Assessment

Top dose selection for repeated dose animal studies has generally focused on identification of apical endpoints, use of the limit dose, or determination of a maximum tolerated dose (MTD). The intent is to optimize the ability of toxicity tests performed in a small number of animals to detect effects for hazard identification. An ...

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Ontogeny of Hepatic Transporters and Drug-Metabolizing Enzymes in Humans and in Nonclinical Species

The liver represents a major eliminating and detoxifying organ, determining exposure to endogenous compounds, drugs, and other xenobiotics. Drug transporters (DTs) and drug-metabolizing enzymes (DMEs) are key determinants of disposition, efficacy, and toxicity of drugs. Changes in their mRNA and protein expression levels ...

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Ontogeny and Cross-Species Comparison of Pathways Involved in Drug Absorption, Distribution, Metabolism, and Excretion in Neonates (Review): Kidney

This review provides insight in cross-species developmental differences of absorption, distribution, metabolism, and excretion properties in the kidney, which should be considered in neonate/juvenile study interpretation, hypotheses generation, and experimental design.

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