
Open access, peer-reviewed publications ensure that knowledge is a public good. HESI believes that accessible research is critical for equitable engagement, diverse collaboration, and increased interdisciplinary conversation. We strive to achieve open access on all publications, and more than 200 publications from HESI programs have been published in the last decade.

Impact of HESI Publications

Functional Classification of Protein Toxins as a Basis for Bioinformatic Screening

Proteins are fundamental to life and exhibit a wide diversity of activities, some of which are toxic. Therefore, assessing whether a specific protein is safe for consumption in foods and feeds is critical. Simple BLAST searches may reveal homology to a known toxin, when in fact the protein may pose no real danger.

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Comparing BMD-Derived Genotoxic Potency Estimations Across Variants of the Transgenic Rodent Gene Mutation Assay

There is growing interest in quantitative analysis of in vivo genetic toxicity dose-response data, and use of point-of-departure (PoD) metrics such as the benchmark dose (BMD) for human health risk assessment (HHRA). Currently, ...

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Cardiac contractility: Correction strategies applied to telemetry data from a HESI-sponsored consortium

Heart rate correction methods are frequently used when analyzing data collected during the drug development process to better understand the QT interval. There is variability in this methodology and the optimal heart rate correction formula is often debated. This paper details a study that explored the ...

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Using Exposure Bands for Rapid Decision Making in the RISK21 Tiered Exposure Assessment

The Health and Environmental Sciences Institute (HESI) Risk Assessment in the 21st Century (RISK21) Committee was initiated to address and catalyze improvements in human health risk assessment. RISK21 is a problem formulation-based conceptual roadmap and risk matrix visualization tool, facilitating transparent ...

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Non-Lethal Endotoxin Injection: A Rat Model of Hypercoagulability

This article characterizes a time course model of inflammation and hemostatic activation in rats treated with bacterial endotoxin (lipopolysaccharide, LPS) through a combination of traditional histologic and clinicopathologic endpoints and analyses of novel circulating biomarkers, including microRNA (miRNA) and ...

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An evaluation of the utility of LVdP/dt40, QA interval, LVdP/dtmin and Tau as indicators of drug-induced changes in contractility and lusitropy in dogs

The importance of drug-induced effects on the inotropic state of the heart is well known. Unlike hemodynamic and cardiac electrophysiological methods, which have been routinely used in drug safety testing for years, the non-clinical assessment of drug effects on myocardial contractility is used less frequently with ...

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