
Open access, peer-reviewed publications ensure that knowledge is a public good. HESI believes that accessible research is critical for equitable engagement, diverse collaboration, and increased interdisciplinary conversation. We strive to achieve open access on all publications, and more than 200 publications from HESI programs have been published in the last decade.

Impact of HESI Publications

Analyzing chemical substitution decisions among chemical and product manufacturers

The HESI Sustainable Alternatives Committee completed a study to understand potential tradeoffs concerning final product design and redesign decisions using a set of six factors affecting product design: business strategy, economic considerations, functionality and performance, health/environmental endpoints, public ...

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RATEmiRs: The Rat Atlas of Tissue-Specific and Enriched miRNAs Database

MicroRNAs (miRNAs) regulate gene expression and have been targeted as indicators of environmental/toxicologic stressors. Using the data from our deep sequencing of miRNAs in an extensive sampling of rat tissues, we developed a database called RATEmiRs for the Rat Atlas of Tissue-specific and Enriched miRNAs to allow users to ...

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An International Perspective on the Tools and Concepts for Effluent Toxicity Assessments in the Context of Animal Alternatives: Reduction in Vertebrate Use

HESI's Animal Alternatives in ERA Committee published tools and concepts for effluent toxicity assessment in an issue of SETAC's Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry. The publication discusses a suite of strategies that can be used in a weight of evidence approach to reduce reliance on in vivo fish tests as part of an ...

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Practical Advice for Selecting or Determining Trophic Magnification Factors for Application Under the European Union Water Framework Directive

The HESI Bioaccumulation Committee has published practical advice for selecting or determining TMFs within the context of the European Union's Water Framework Directive. A decision tree based on a series of quality attributes for TMF is provided, along with several illustrative examples.

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Drug Discovery and Development: Biomarkers of Neurotoxicity and Neurodegeneration

Attrition in drug discovery and development remains a major challenge. Safety/toxicity is the most prevalent reason for failure with cardiovascular and CNS toxicities predominating. Non-invasive biomarkers of neurotoxicity would provide significant advantage by allowing earlier prediction of likely neurotoxicity in ...

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