Past Events

Ottawa-Carleton Chemical and Environmental Toxicology Seminar Series

Ottawa, Canada

HESI Executive Director Dr. Syril Pettit will be giving a seminar titled 'Cross-Sector Collaboration in Toxicology: Scientific Consortia as a Critical Resource for Applied Safety Science' as part of the Ottawa-Carleton Chemical and Environmental Toxicology Seminar Series.

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eSTAR Committee Annual Meeting 2022

eSTAR Committee Annual Meeting, Virtual

The goals of the eSTAR Annual Meeting will be to communicate updates from the various working groups and listen to talks from leading experts in systems toxicology. On the second day we will have two concurrent half-day sessions for our newest projects, Error Correcting Sequencing and Cell Painting. The entire meeting is free and ...

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HESI ITC Committee 2022 Fall Meeting

Hybrid meeting, hosted by the HESI ITC Committee

The HESI ITC Committee 2022 Fall Meeting will take place on October 18-21, 2022. The hybrid meeting is open to ITC Committee participants only.

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