Workshop entitled “Realizing the Future of Risk Assessment”

  • Start Date/Time :
  • Location : Washington, DC, USA

The HESI Risk Assessment in the 21st Century Project (RISK21) organized a workshop on “Realizing the Future of Risk Assessment” January 11, 2011 at the Omni Shoreham Hotel in Washington, DC.  This workshop was designed to provide an interactive forum and gather input and feedback from government, academic, NGO, and industry stakeholders who had not yet worked directly with the RISK21 sub-teams.

Workshop Materials

Please click the links below to access workshop documents:

Workshop Program

List of Attendees

Workshop Synopsis

Speaker Presentations

RISK Assessment for the 21stCentury (RISK21): A Vision and a Plan
Dr. Tim Pastoor, Syngenta Crop Protection

Cumulative Risk Sub-Team
RISK Assessment for the 21stCentury (RISK21): Cumulative Risk Assessment Sub-Group
Dr. Angelo Moretto, University of Milan
Dr. Richard Phillips, ExxonMobil

Dose-Response Sub-Team
RISK21Dose-Response Subteam:Mode of Action Dose-Response (MOA-DR)and In Vitro to In Vivo Extrapolation (IVIVE)
Dr. Samuel M. Cohen, University of Nebraska Medical Center
Dr. J. Craig Rowlands, The Dow Chemical Company
Dr. Ronald N. Hines, Medical College of Wisconsin

Exposure Science Sub-Team
RISK Assessment for the 21stCentury Exposure Subteam Update
Dr. Dana Sargent, Arysta LifeScience
Dr. Michael Dellarco, National Institute of Child Health and Human Development

Integrated Evaluation Strategies Sub-Team
RISK21 Tiered Evaluation Strategy Sub-Team Integrated Evaluation Strategy
Dr. Douglas C. Wolf, U. S. Environmental Protection Agency
Dr. John E. Doe, Parker Doe Partnership LLP

For more information about the Risk21 workshop on "Realizing the Future of Risk Assessment,” please contact Dr. Michelle Embry at

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