Nucleic Acid Nanorobotics: A Novel Approach to MicroRNA Quantification

  • Start Date/Time :
  • End Date/Time :
  • Location : eSTAR, Webinar

Please join us for an upcoming webinar, organized by the HESI Emerging Systems Toxicology for the Assessment of Risk (eSTAR) Committee.

Presentation by: Dr. Jurek Kozyra from Nanovery

Title: Nucleic Acid Nanorobotics: A Novel Approach to MicroRNA Quantification

Abstract: This webinar introduces a microRNA quantification platform based on Nucleic Acid Nanorobotics (NANs), offering a simple workflow under enzyme-free, isothermal conditions. The significance of microRNA detection in toxicity testing will be briefly addressed, with a summary of qPCR's limitations in targeting short RNA molecules. The presentation will focus on the characteristics and underlying mechanisms of NANs, showcasing key results that demonstrate their sensitivity, selectivity, and resolution. The accuracy and simplicity of microRNA quantification offered by NANs holds potential for future advancements in molecular testing within drug development and safety studies.

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