Machine-Learning Aided Multi-Scale Modelling Framework for Toxicological Endpoint Predictions in the Dog

  • Event Name : Drs. Stephan Schaller and Mark Davies from ESQlabs GmbH
  • Start Date/Time :
  • End Date/Time :
  • Location : Webinar, Sponsored by NC3Rs & HESI

This project overview webinar will be given by Drs. Stephan Schaller and Mark Davies from ESQlabs GmbH. The project is funded via the NC3Rs CRACK IT Mega Challenge: Virtual Second Species, which seeks to exploit advances in computational approaches and machine learning to develop a "Virtual Dog" to ultimately replace their use for chronic toxicity studies. The webinar is co-sponsored by HESI and NC3Rs.

The webinar is free but registration is required. Click here to register.

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