CIIMET Center for Research and Information on Medicines and Toxic Compounds

  • Start Date/Time :
  • End Date/Time :
  • Location : Panama City, Panama

Several lectures/courses by Dr. Eliana Munarriz (U of Buenos Aires; HESI Board):

  • “Introduction to Risk Assessment and Problem formulation”. The course was attended by 12 MDs working to complete their 1st year Master’s in Occupation Health coursework.
  • RISK21 module (with hands-on case studies) as a part of the Masters in Toxicology course at the University of Panama (25 participants: chemists, biochemists, doctors, biologists, biotechnologists). RISK21 case studies were used in the course final exam / evaluation.
  • RISK21 Workshop with Government (Ministry of Health, Environment and Agriculture) and International Organizations ( FAO, PNUD, WHO and PAHO) (22 participants from diverse backgrounds)

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