Task Force Report: Future Research Needs for the Prevention and Management of Immune-Mediated Drug Hypersensitivity Reactions

  • Publication Date :
  • Publication Type : Journal Article
  • Author(s) : Adkinson NF, Essayan D, Gruchalla R, Haggerty H, Kawabata T, Sandler JD, Updyke L, Shear NH, Wierda D
  • Journal Name : Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology

Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology. 2002;109(3):S461-S478

Abstract: Immune-mediated drug hypersensitivity reactions (IDHR) have a significant impact on clinical practice, drug development, and public health. However, research to understand IDHR mechanisms and to develop diagnostic and predictive tests has been limited. To stimulate more research, a task force with representatives from the key stakeholders (research clinicians, regulatory scientists, and immunotoxicologists from the pharmaceutical industry) was assembled to identify critical data gaps and opportunities and to make recommendations on how to overcome some of the barriers to IDHR research and address research needs. It is hoped that this report will act as a springboard for future discussions and progress toward increased funding and development of organizational structures for IDHR research.

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