Plant vs. Kidney: Evaluating Nephrotoxicity of Botanicals with the Latest Toxicological Tools

  • Publication Date :
  • Publication Type : Journal Article
  • Author(s) : Pearson A, Gafner S, Rider CV, Embry M, Ferguson SS, Mitchell CA.
  • Journal Name : Current Opinion in Toxicology

This short review paper, written by members of the Botanical Safety Consortium, explores botanical induced renal injuries and introduces new approach methodologies (NAMs) that could be used to identify the nephrotoxic potential of botanicals.

Click below to read the full article:

Plant vs. Kidney: Evaluating Nephrotoxicity of Botanicals with the Latest Toxicological Tools. Pearson A, Gafner S, Rider CV, Embry M, Ferguson SS, Mitchell CA. 2022. Current Opinion in Toxicology. 31 August 2022.

Figure 1. Botanicals can provoke kidney injury in multiple ways,
including by 1) disrupting renal blood flow (pre-renal disease),
2) damaging various compartments along the nephron
(intrinsic renal disease), and 3) obstructing urinary flow
within the urogenital system (post-renal disease).

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