Normal Ranges and Variability of Novel Urinary Renal Biomarkers in Sprague-Dawley Rats: Comparison of Constitutive Values Between Males and Females and Across Assay Platforms

  • Publication Date :
  • Publication Type : Journal Article
  • Author(s) : Gautier JC, Gury T, Guffroy M, Khan-Malek R, Hoffman D, Pettit S, Harpur E
  • Journal Name : Toxicologic Pathology

Toxicologic Pathology. 2014;42(7):1092-1104

Abstract: Differences were examined between male and female Sprague-Dawley rats in basal levels of a wide range of urinary biomarkers, including 7 recently qualified biomarkers. The data were generated from urine samples collected on 3 occasions from untreated rats included in a study of the effect of gentamicin nephrotoxicity on urinary renal biomarkers, reported in a companion article in this journal (Gautier et al. 2014). The performance of multiple assays (9 singleplex assays and 2 multiplex platforms from Rules Based Medicine [RBM] and Meso Scale Discovery [MSD]) was evaluated, and normal ranges and variability estimates were derived. While variability was generally greater on the RBM platform than other assays, the more striking difference in the results from different assays was in magnitude. Where differences were observed between assays for an individual biomarker, they were seen in both sexes and consistent across samples collected at different time points. Differences of up to 15-fold were observed for some biomarker values between assays indicating that results generated using different assays should not be compared. For 8 biomarkers, there was compelling evidence for a sex difference. Baseline values in males were significantly higher than in females for total protein, β2-microglobulin, clusterin, cystatin-C, glutathione-S-transferase (GST-α), tissue inhibitor of metalloproteinases (TIMP-1), and vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF); female values were significantly higher than that of males for albumin. The largest sex differences (male greater than female by 2- to 11-fold) were seen with β2-microglobulin, GST-α, and TIMP-1. These data add substantially to the limited body of knowledge in this area and provide a useful framework for evaluation of the potential relevance of sex differences in the diagnostic performance of these biomarkers.

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