Echocardiographic and Hemodynamic Indices of Myocardial Contractility Simultaneously Evaluated in Telemetered Beagle Dogs: A HESI-Sponsored Cross-Company Evaluation

  • Publication Date :
  • Publication Type : Journal Article
  • Author(s) : Rossman EI, Cools F, Cordes J, Dhuyvetter D, Doyle JM, Friedrichs GS, Guth B, Neradilek MB, Parish ST, Pierson JB, Polissar N, Tang HM
  • Journal Name : Journal of Pharmacological and Toxicological Methods

Alterations in cardiac contractility can have significant clinical implications, highlighting the need for early detection of potential liabilities. Pre-clinical methods to assess contractility are typically invasive and their translation to human measures of cardiac function are not well defined. Clinically, cardiac function is most often measured non-invasively using echocardiography. The objective of these studies was to introduce echocardiography into standard large animal cardiovascular safety pharmacology studies and determine the feasibility of this combination.

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