Considerations towards the better integration of epidemiology into quantitative risk assessment

  • Publication Date :
  • Publication Type : Journal Article
  • Author(s) : Déglin SE, Burstyn I, Chen CL, Miller DJ, Gribble MO, Hamade AK, Chang ET, Avanasi R, Boon D, Reed J
  • Journal Name : Global Epidemiology

This paper summarizes five key ideas that emerged from multi-sectoral and multi-stakeholder activities of HESI's Environmental Epidemiology for Risk Assessment Committee that could help improve how human data inform quantitative health risk assessment and decision making. It highlights the needs for concerted efforts from academia, decision-makers, industry, journal editors, funding agencies, and advocacy groups to increase inter-disciplinary communication, collaboration and training, foster transparency and data sharing, and diversify funding sources to make epidemiology more central to quantitative human health risk assessment.

Click below to read the full article:
Considerations towards the better integration of epidemiology into quantitative risk assessment. Déglin SE, Burstyn I, Chen CL, Miller DJ, Gribble MO, Hamade AK, Chang ET, Avanasi R, Boon D, Reed J. Global Epidemiology. 9 September 2022.

Learn more about HESI's Environmental Epidemiology for Risk Assessment Committee


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