9:00 AM
Welcome & Meeting Goals
9:15 AM
Why HESI Matters: A Perspective on 30 Years of Collaborative Science and Its Role Today
Dr. Lois Lehman-McKeeman, Bristol-Myers Squibb, HESI Chair of Board
9:45 AM
HESI CITE Lectures – Moderator: Charlene McQueen, University of Arizona, HESI President. The HESI Combining Interdisciplinary and Translational Expertise (CITE) initiative is an ongoing outreach series that promotes discussion and progress on opportunities for, and challenges in, the application of interdisciplinary, multidisciplinary, and translational sciences to improve human and environmental health outcomes.
The Exposome: Measuring Exposures on a Global Scale
Dr. Gary Miller, Vice Dean for Research Strategy and Innovation, Mailman School of Public Health, Columbia University
Acceptable Failure, Innovation & Multidisciplinary Research
Dr. Martin Philbert, Provost, University of Michigan
11:15 AM
11:30 AM
What will collaborative, multidisciplinary science look like in 2030? How will it adapt and respond to changing scientific, economic, and societal opportunities and pressures?
Moderator: Dr. Martin Philbert; Panelists: Dr. Gary Miller (Columbia University, USA), Dr. Maya Leventer-Roberts (Clalit Research Institute, Israel), Dr. Ned Wakeman (Alderly Park Accelerator, UK), and Dr. Flavio Zambrone (State University of Campinas, Brazil)
12:15 PM
HESI Scientific Committee Leadership Working Session
1:15 PM
The Future of HESI Science: Where is HESI’s programming headed?Dr. Syril Pettit, HESI Executive Director, and Dr. Michelle Embry, HESI Associate Director
2:00 PM
Featured Program Developments at HESI – This session highlights selected HESI scientific programs that have achieved key milestones and/or are actively pursuing new research programs (25 minutes each including questions). Moderator: Dr. Jon Cook, Pfizer, HESI Vice President.
Paving the Way to UVCB Risk Assessment (download presentation)
Dr. Sandrine Deglin, HESI, on behalf of the UVCB Committee download presentation
Dr. Kary Thompson, Bristol-Myers Squibb, on behalf of the Developmental and Reproductive Toxicology (DART) Committee
Innovating Genomic Research via Error-Corrected Sequencing Methodologies (download presentation)
Bob Young, MilliporeSigma, BioReliance Testing Services, on behalf of the Genetic Toxicology Technical Committee
Challenging the Status Quo: Mechanistic and Human-Relevant Screening for CV Liabilities (download presentation)
Dr. Brian Berridge, NIEHS National Toxicology Program, on behalf of the Cardiac Safety Committee
4:00 PM
4:30 PM
Proposal for New Emerging Issues Project: Building an Exposure Science Network (download presentation)
Dr. Michelle Embry, HESI Associate Director
5:00 PM
RNAi, Cancer, and Non-Coding RNA: From Discovery into Application for Health
Keynote Speaker – Dr. Gregory Hannon, Cancer Research UK, Cambridge Institute
Introduced by Dr. Tim Gant, Public Health England, Chair of HESI Emerging Issues Committee
30th Anniversary Dinner Reception – Hummingbird Restaurant, Alexandria, Virginia
8:30 AM
8:40 AM
Can cancer risk assessment keep pace with evolving science and modalities? This session will explore the evolving landscape of tools, frameworks, and weight of evidence necessary to assess safety for evolving scientific modalities and methodologies from a carcinogenicity perspective. Moderator: Dr. Martin van den Berg, University of Utrecht, HESI Vice-Chair of Board.
8:45 AM
HESI’s Foundational Efforts in Cancer Risk Assessment & Transitions to Today
Dr. Samuel Cohen, University of Nebraska Medical Center
9:20 AM
Carcinogenomic Approaches to Cancer Risk Assessment: Ready for Prime Time?
Dr. Jan Willem van der Laan, Medicines Evaluation Board
9:55 AM
Cancer Risk Assessment of Immunomodulatory Therapies (download presentation)
Dr. Hervé Lebrec, Amgen
10:30 AM
10:50 AM
A Problem Formulation-Based Approach to the Risk Assessment of Crop Protection Products Acting via RNA Interference
Dr. Kevin Leiner, Syngenta
11:20 AM
Legal and Regulatory Considerations in Safety Assessment of New Technologies
Dr. Gary Marchant, Arizona State University
12:00 PM
1:15 PM
Perspectives on Modern Approaches for Risk Assessment Under Canada’s Chemicals Management Plan: Building Confidence in Collaboration
Keynote Address – Dr. Tara Barton-Maclaren, Research Manager, Healthy Environments and Consumer Safety Branch, Health Canada
1:50 PM
Panel discussion on opportunities, limitations, and cautions for collaborations to support or drive progress in integrating computational approaches for risk/safety assessment
Moderator: Dr. Lois Lehman-McKeeman; Panelists: Dr. Tara Barton-Maclaren (Health Canada), Dr. Brian Berridge (NIEHS NTP), Dr. Masayuki Fujita (Sumitomo Chemical), and Dr. Gino Scarano (US EPA)
2:30 PM
Closing Remarks & Awards
2:45 PM
Phone: +1-202-659-8404
Fax: +1-202-659-3859
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Washington, DC 20005
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