2013 HESI Annual Meeting

The Health and Environmental Sciences Institute (HESI) held its 2013 Annual Meeting on 11-13 June 2013 at the Hotel Monaco, 480 King Street, Alexandria, Virginia, USA.

Meeting participants learned about HESI’s role in translating science from research to application, shared perspectives on current and pending scientific challenges, and engaged in interactive discussions that will help influence HESI’s future scientific direction.

The Program Book for the 2013 HESI Annual Meeting:

Tab 1 – Meeting Agenda
Tab 2 – HESI Assembly
Tab 3 – Assembly Nominations
Tab 4 – Emerging Issues Session
Tab 5 – Speaker Bios
Tab 6 – Participants List
Tab 7 – About HESI
Tab 8 – Success Stories

Annual Meeting Presentations

Scientific Program Session: HESI’s Role in Translating Science from Research to Application

Bridging Science for Improved Immunotoxicity Evaluation

Dr. Ellen Evans (Pfizer)

Translational Approaches in Cardiovascular Safety

Dr. Brian Berridge (GlaxoSmithKline)

Best Practices for Sustainable Alternative Chemical Substitutions

Dr. George Gray (George Washington University)

Plenary Lecture

Strategic Directions for EPA’s Research

Dr. Hal Zenick (US Environmental Protection Agency, National Health and Environmental Effects Research Laboratory)

HESI Assembly Meeting

HESI Assembly

Dr. Dennis Devlin (Exxon Mobil Corporation)

Ms. Syril Pettit (HESI Executive Director)

HESI CITE Keynote Lecture

Biomaterials and Biotechnology: From the Development of Controlled Drug Delivery Systems to the Foundation of Tissue Engineering

Dr. Robert Langer (Massachusetts Institute of Technology)

Lunchtime Seminar

Open Access and Publishing: The New Frontier in Science?

Ms. Heather Joseph (Scholarly Publishing and Academic Resources Coalition)

Emerging Issues Session

HESI Emerging Issues Session: Looking Around the Corner

Dr. Stephen Newsholme (GlaxoSmithKline)

Strategic Enhancement of the HESI Scientific Portfolio

Dr. Hal Zenick (US Environmental Protection Agency, National Health and Environmental Effects Research Laboratory)

Dr. Stephen Newsholme (GlaxoSmithKline)

Plenary Discussion

Dr. Stephen Newsholme (GlaxoSmithKline)

Dr. Hal Zenick (US Environmental Protection Agency, National Health and Environmental Effects Research Laboratory)

Contact Us

Health and Environmental Sciences Institute (HESI)

Phone: +1-202-659-8404
Fax: +1-202-659-8403

740 15th Street NW, Suite 600
Washington, DC 20005

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