HESI Insights - July 2024

Paper Spotlight: RISK21 Framework Used to Communicate Aflatoxin Risk

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Dr. Rozaini Abdullah and Dr. Michelle Embry

Dr. Rozaini Abdullah, a senior lecturer in toxicology from the Universiti Putra Malaysia and president of the Malaysian Society of Toxicoloy, recently published a manuscript on “Risk assessment of aflatoxin B1 in herbal medicines and plant food supplements marketed in Malaysia using margin of exposure and RISK21 approaches,” co-authored with Siti Soleha Ab Dullah, Mohd Redzwan Sabran, and Ab Hamid Hasiah, featured in the November 2023 issue of Genes and Environment.

Dr. Abdullah participated in the Chulabhorn Research Institute’s (CRI) International Training Course on Practical Application of the Risk Assessment Paradigm to Solve Real-World Problems in December 2022, which was part of the HESI Global Risk Assessment Training Center (GRATC) activities. She was introduced to the RISK21 approach from Michelle Embry’s lectures and hands-on case study modules and has integrated the concepts into her work and lectures. Dr. Abdullah was a speaker at the recent International Conference in Bangkok (see above) where she and Dr. Embry reconnected. We look forward to future collaborations and to seeing more of Dr. Abdullah’s work!

Contact Dr. Abdullah at rozainiabdullah@upm.edu.my

Dr. Stockbridge Receives SPS Distinguished Service Award

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We are thrilled to see the announcement from the Safety Pharmacology Society that the 2024 Distinguished Service Award (DSA) recipient is Dr. Norman Stockbridge! Dr. Stockbridge has been a member of the HESI Cardiac Safety Committee since 2000.

Dr. Stockbridge is being recognized for his significant contributions to shaping regulatory safety pharmacology practices globally, benefiting safety scientists, and facilitating the safe progression of drugs into humans. He is also recognized for his groundbreaking leadership in framing CiPA and related activities under HESI; Dr. Stockbridge’s efforts were pivotal in developing the ICH E14/S7B Q&As. Lastly, his dedication to education, development, training, and mentorship has empowered countless scientists at the FDA and institutions worldwide. Please join us in extending our congratulations to Dr. Stockbridge on his recognition.

Dr. Stockbridge has been invited to give his DSA Presentation (topic TBD) on September 25, 2024 in San Diego, CA during the SPS Annual Meeting.

Updates from the Botanical Safety Consortium

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Jacob Larson, Herbalife.

The Botanical Safety Consortium (BSC), a public-private partnership to improve botanical safety, is delighted to announce the addition of its newest Steering Team member, Jacob Larson. Jacob has joined the BSC for a 3-year term and currently holds the position of Senior Research Scientist, Toxicology, at Herbalife. He received his master’s degree in Public Health, Toxicology, from the University of Michigan and worked for 15 years as a toxicologist at NSF International in the Drinking Water Chemical and Dietary Supplement Certification areas before joining Herbalife in 2020. He is a board-certified toxicologist, a member of the Society of Toxicology, and a member of the Johns Hopkins Center for Alternatives to Animal Testing (CAAT) Advisory Board. Jacob is also a member of the Developmental and Reproductive Toxicity (DART) working group.

Upcoming Event: The BSC will hold its first in-person meeting (with virtual option) at NIEHS in Durham, NC on October 10th & 11th ,2024. The in-person meeting is limited to members, with preference for steering committee and working group members. The virtual option will be open to all. The hybrid portion will include updates from the working group on the new approach methodologies (NAMs) tested for their suitability for botanicals. The in-person portions will include hands-on breakout groups and discussions to understand the current toolkit, identify gaps, and identify future research priorities. Register Here.

Recent Event: The BSC held a training course titled “Cultivating Safety: Toxicology 101 of Botanicals and Natural Products” at the International Congress on Natural Products Research (ICPNR) in Krakow, Poland. Course details can be found here.

New Publications:

  1. Kanungo et al., 2024. Screening tools to evaluate the neurotoxic potential of botanicals: building a strategy to assess safetyExpert Opinion on Drug Metabolism & Toxicology.
  2. Liu et al., 2024. Prediction of physicochemical and pharmacokinetic properties of botanical constituents by computational models. Journal of Applied Toxicology. SELECTED FOR JOURNAL COVER!
  3. Zeiger et al., 2024. Within-laboratory reproducibility of Ames test results: Are repeat tests necessary? Environmental and Molecular Mutagenesis.
  4. Waidyanatha et al., 2024. Advancing botanical safety: A strategy for selecting, sourcing, and characterizing botanicals for developing toxicological tools. Food and Chemical Toxicology.
  5. van Kleef et al., 2024. Neuroactivity screening of botanical extracts using microelectrode array (MEA) recordings. Food and Chemical Toxicology.

For more details, or to become a member, visit the BSC website at https://botanicalsafetyconsortium.org/

Updates from the Emerging Systems Toxicology for the Assessment of Risk (eSTAR) Committee


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John Rooney, Syngenta

The HESI Emerging Systems Toxicology for the Assessment of Risk (eSTAR) Committee is delighted to welcome Dr. John Rooney to the eSTAR Leadership Team! John, a member of the HESI eSTAR Molecular Points of Departure and Carcinogenomics workgroups, is a toxicogenomics expert and the in vivo transcriptomics team lead at Syngenta Crop Protection. His role largely focuses on interpretation of omics data from short term in vivo studies in a predictive toxicology setting. John received his Ph.D. in 2015 from the Nicholas School of the Environment at Duke University. Following graduate school, he completed an ORISE Fellowship at the US EPA in Research Triangle Park, NC. Prior to joining Syngenta, John has held roles as a Senior Toxicologist at Integrated Laboratory Systems where he worked as a contractor with NICEATM, and as a senior bioinformatics scientist for OmicSoft/QIAGEN. John joins co-chairs Dr. Deidre Dalmas Wilk (GSK) and Dr. Scott Auerbach (NIEHS).

Upcoming Events:

  • September 10th: eSTAR committee member James Alcaraz (University of Ottawa) will present on cancer driver gene mutations at the Environmental Mutagenesis and Genomics Society Meeting in Palm Springs, California. Details will be updated here.
  • November 11-12th: Save the date for the eSTAR 2024 Annual Meeting. Virtual and open to all.

Recent Webinars (recordings available):

New Publication: “Urinary MicroRNA biomarkers of nephrotoxicity in Macaca fascicularis” by Dasgupta et al., featured below in this month’s New Publication section.

For more details or to become a member, visit the eSTAR webpage https://hesiglobal.org/emerging-systems-toxicology-for-assessment-of-risk-committee/


Review of dose setting for the extended one-generation reproductive toxicity studies (OECD TG 443): Considerations on ECHA’s dose level selection recommendations

Regulatory Toxicology and Pharmacology

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European Chemicals Agency’s (ECHA) dose setting recommendations for the OECD Test Guideline 443 exceed the Maximum Tolerated Dose (MTD), leading to compromised data interpretation and increased animal testing, raising welfare concerns. Current guidance may fail to identify postnatal hazards and does not align with the 3Rs principles (Replacement, Reduction, Refinement). DART experts advocate for revised, science-driven dose selection criteria to produce relevant data ethically and responsibly. They urge ECHA to balance regulatory requirements with scientific pragmatism to better protect human health and animal welfare.

Read the full publication at the link below:

Review of dose setting for the extended one-generation reproductive toxicity studies (OECD TG 443): Considerations on ECHA’s dose level selection recommendations. Beekhuijzen et.al., June 2024. Regulatory Toxicology and Pharmacology. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.yrtph.2024.105665

Click to learn more about the HESI Developmental and Reproductive Toxicology (DART) Committee

Urinary MicroRNA biomarkers of nephrotoxicity in Macaca fascicularis

Regulatory Toxicology and Pharmacology

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This study from the HESI Emerging Systems Toxicology for the Assessment of Risk (eSTAR) Committee miRNA Working Group is aimed to find biomarkers that can predict kidney damage. The researchers utilized samples from an existing monkey study treated with a nephrotoxic drug. They analyzed urine samples to compare traditional protein biomarkers and miRNAs for prediction of renal injury. Additionally, miRNA samples were compared in whole urine versus in the extracellular vesicles (EVs). miRNAs in the EV fraction were overall more predictive than those in whole urine compared to histopathology. The study highlights the potential of using microRNAs as a non-invasive method for diagnosing and monitoring kidney injury caused by drugs. Further research is needed to develop a panel of microRNAs as biomarkers and understand their role in kidney disease.

Link to full article below:

Urinary MicroRNA biomarkers of nephrotoxicity in Macaca fascicularis. Dasgupta et. al., 26 June 2024. Regulatory Toxicology and Pharmacology. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.yrtph.2024.105668

Screening tools to evaluate the neurotoxic potential of botanicals: building a strategy to assess safety

Expert Opinion on Drug Metabolism & Toxicology

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A recent article from the Botanical Safety Consortium (BSC) Neurotoxicity Working Group aims to evaluate existing NAMs for neurotoxicity screening of botanicals as complex mixtures. The article provides background on three assays or models for neuroactivity screening (C. elegans, zebrafish embryos, and multi-electrode arrays) and well-studied botanicals used as case studies for neurotoxicity, including aconite and oleander.

Article Highlights:

  • The complexity of botanicals can complicate the assessment of potential neurotoxic/active effects.
  • This manuscript describes the assays and the selected botanicals relevant for the screening of neuroactivity/toxicity.
  • The selected assays are neurons in culture, in an invertebrate (C. elegans), and in zebrafish embryos.
  • This paper summarizes available data related to neuroactivity and neurotoxic potential for the 16 selected botanicals.
  • These planned novel studies will expand the botanical safety toolkit and provide researchers with tools to better understand neurotoxicity, prioritize, and plan future testing as needed.

Read the full paper at the link below:

Screening tools to evaluate the neurotoxic potential of botanicals: building a strategy to assess safety. Kanungo et al., 2024. Expert Opinion on Drug Metabolism & Toxicology. https://doi.org/10.1080/17425255.2024.2378895


The Society of Toxicologic Pathology (STP) Annual Symposium

16 – 19 June 2024

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The 43rd Annual STP Symposium was held in Baltimore, Maryland. HESI Immuno-Safety Technical Committee members, Dr. Tracey Papenfuss and Dr. Daniel Weinstock co-chaired a Continuing Education course entitled “Immunotoxicology from a Pathological Perspectives” on Sunday June 16th. Full details of the course can be found here.

For more information contact Shermaine Mitchell-Ryan or Christine Crute.

International Conference on Environmental Pollutants and Toxicants Affecting Health: Collaborative Efforts for Improving Quality of Life

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(L-R): Dr. Daam Settachan (CRI), Dr. Jutamaad Satayavivad (CRI), Dr. Michelle Embry (HESI), Dr. Khunying Mathuros Ruchirawat (CoE EHT), Dr. Syril Pettit (HESI)

Drs. Syril Pettit, Michelle Embry, and Martin van den Berg were invited speakers at the International Conference on Environmental Pollutants and Toxicants Affecting Health: Collaborative Efforts for Improving Quality of Life in Bangkok, Thailand on June 19 – 21, 2024. The conference was attended by over 250 people from 20 countries and provided a forum for scientists to present their findings and discuss key country-specific needs with experts in the field of environmental health sciences.
Michelle gave a plenary lecture on “Bioaccumulation at the intersection between ecological and human health” and also chaired a session on connections between ecological and human health through food chain contamination, which highlighted 4 case studies.

The Last Mile Challenge (and Opportunity) in Environmental Health Sciences was the focus of Syril’s plenary lecture, where she challenged the audience to think about ways to prioritize the translation of scientific knowledge into actionable practices.
Martin (HESI BOT; past Chair) gave a plenary lecture on “Carcinogenic Effects of Genotoxicy Chemicals in Early Life Stages” and also provided a case study talk on dioxin-like compounds in human milk.

The meeting was organized by the Center of Excellence on Environmental Health and Toxicology (CoE EHT) under the Hub of Talents in Environmental Health with Support of the National Research Council of Thailand. The Hub of Talents on Air Pollution and Climate, Thailand and HESI were was collaborating institutions. HESI GRATC provided funds to support travel fellowships for 8 participants from developing countries to attend the conference. Six of these attendees also participated in the international training course on Environmental Toxicology and Health held that immediately following the conference (see article below). The 8 trainees were from the public sector and hailed from Bhutan, Ethiopia, India, Malaysia, Pakistan, Sri Lanka, China, and Nepal.

Environmental Toxicology and Health Course, Chulabhorn Research Institute

17 -18 June 2024

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Dr. Michelle Embry served as teaching faculty in a training course on Environmental Toxicology and Health at the Chulabhorn Research Institute, Thailand for the second year. The course was attended by 29 international participants from 18 countries (Bhutan, Botswana, Brunei, Burkina Faso, Cambodia, China, Ethiopia, India, Krgyzstan, Malaysia, Maldives, Mongolia, Myanmar, Nepal, Pakistan, Philippines, Sri Lanka, Thailand, and Vietnam). Eight Chulabhorn Graduate Institute Students also participated in the course from various departments (Environmental Health and Environmental Toxicology).

The course was designed to provide participants with a background on environmental toxicology and risk assessment and was taught by several teaching faculty, including Professor Martin van den Berg (HESI Board of Trustees) and Professor Herman Autrup (former HESI Board of Trustees). Dr. Embry gave four lectures on ecological risk assessment and led a journal club discussion.

For more information on HESI’s Global Risk Assessment Training Center click here.

Society for Birth Defects Research and Prevention Annual Meeting

22 – 26 June 2024

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Over 200 scientists dedicated to the research and prevention of birth defects gathered in Pittsburgh, PA for the Society of Birth Defects Research and Prevention’s 64th Annual Meeting. The HESI Developmental and Reproductive Toxicology (DART) Committee was actively involved throughout the event. Committee Co-Chair Dr. Christopher Bowman (Pfizer) received the prestigious Patricia Rodier Mid-Career Award for Research and Mentoring. Dr. Shermaine Mitchell-Ryan participated in the Graduate Student and Postdoctoral Fellows Career Event. Additionally, there was a featured HESI symposium on “DART Strategies for Oligonucleotides”. Committee members also enjoyed an al fresco dinner, providing an opportunity to reconnect and celebrate. For more information about DART activities, contact Connie Chen or Shermaine Mitchell-Ryan.


International Congress On Natural Products Research (ICNPR)

13 – 17 July 2024, Krakow, Poland

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International Congress On Natural Products Research (ICNPR), Krakow, Poland 13-17 July 2024

The Botanical Safety Consortium is holding a training course as part of the meeting on Saturday 13 July entitled “Cultivating Safety: Toxicology 101 of Botanicals and Natural Products.

This course will offer a deep dive into the world of botanicals, bridging the gap between their traditional uses and modern applications in supplements, medicines, and cosmetics. Participants will explore routes of botanical exposure, interactions with drugs, dose-response nuances, acute and chronic toxicity, and a range of potential health endpoints. With hands-on exercises, discussion of cutting-edge toxicity assessment tools, and interactive case studies—including challenges like product adulteration and new botanical discoveries—the course will provide a comprehensive look into the complexities of botanical safety, making it essential for researchers, practitioners, and thrill seekers.

Register at www.icnpr2024.org

Speakers and training course developers include BSC members Amy Roe (P&G), Holly Johnson (AHPA), Stefan Gafner (American Botanical Council), Olaf Kelber (Bayer), Richard van Breemen (Oregan State University), Cynthia Rider (NIEHS), Connie Mitchell (HESI), Michelle Embry (HESI), and Julie Krzykwa (HESI).

Meeting flyer available here.


American Chemistry Society (ACS) Fall 2024 Meeting

18 – 21 August 2024, Hybrid, Denver, CO, USA

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HESI Program Manager, Raechel Puglisi, will be presenting virtually at ACS FALL 2024 on Monday, August 19th at 10:05 AM MST. Register here.

DIVISION: Division of Agrochemicals
SESSION: Getting Out of the Toxicology Rat Race: Development to Adoption of New Approach Methodologies (NAMs)
TALK TITLE: Transforming the evaluation of agrochemicals: Conceptualizing the problem to create a solution.
ROOM: Virtual

Learn more about the HESI Transforming the Evaluation of Agrochemical Committee here.




Environmental Mutagenesis and Genomics Society

7 – 11 September 2024, Palm Springs, CA, USA

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Science from the HESI Genetic Toxicology (GTTC) and Emerging Systems Toxicology for the Assessment of Risk (eSTAR) committees will be well represented at the 55th Annual Meeting of the Environmental Mutagenesis and Genomics Society (EMGS) in Palm Springs, California.

Reach out to Connie Chen or Raechel Puglisi if you have any questions!

Saturday September 7

  • Workshop 1 “Sequencing the Future: Understanding Error-Corrected Sequencing” is organized by Connie Chen & Meagan Myers. Shaofei Zhang (Pfizer) will be presenting work from GTTC and Alberto del Rio (GentiBio) will be presenting work for CT-TRACS.

Sunday September 8

  • Symposium 2: Towards the development of a global genotoxocity AOP network will feature several GTTC speakers and activities – Wen Sun (Pfizer) will present on Topoisomerase II and Dan Roberts (Toxys) will present on Tubulin and Kinase inhibitors.

Monday September 9

  • Poster Session 2: Understanding the Carcinogenic Potential of Nitrosamines: Developing an In vivo Verification Strategy for the Ames, Comparative Analysis of In Vitro/In Vivo Mutagenicity Testing for NDSRIs presented by Tetyana Cheairs on behalf of the HESI GTTC Nitrosamine Research Program.
  • Poster Session 2: Optimizing the Ames Assay for Nitrosamine Testing: Concordance Results of a HESI Multi-Sector Ring Trial presented by Tetyana Cheairs on behalf of the HESI GTTC Nitrosamine Research Program.

Tuesday, September 10

  • Symposium 9: Under the Spotlight: High-Profile Chemicals will feature an overview of the HESI GTTC Nitrosamine Research Program presented by Tetyana Cheairs (NYMC).
  • Platform 3: Sequencing the Genome and Beyond will include a presentation by Shaofei Zhang (Pfizer) on the GTTC reconstruction project and James Alcaraz (U Ottawa) on cancer driver gene mutations for the eSTAR committee.


8 – 11 September 2024, Copenhagen, Denmark

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The HESI Developmental and Reproductive Toxicology (DART) Committee has co-organized an auxiliary workshop at EUROTOX 2024 on “Dose Selection for Developmental and Reproductive Toxicology (DART) Studies” on Wednesday, September 11th, from 14:00 to 17:00 in Copenhagen, Denmark. The workshop will feature Dr. Mannon Beekhuijzen, Co-Chair of the HESI DART Extended One-Generation Reproduction Toxicology Studies, who will share highlights and perspectives on the recently published “Review of Dose Setting for the Extended One-Generation Reproductive Toxicity Studies (OECD TG 443): Considerations on ECHA’s Dose Level Selection Recommendations.”

For more information about DART activities, contact Connie Chen or Shermaine Mitchell-Ryan.

European Teratology Society 52nd Annual Meeting

16 – 18 September 2024, Bologna, Italy


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This year the 52nd Annual European Teratology Society Meeting will take place in Bologna, Italy. Members from the HESI Developmental and Reproductive Toxicology (DART) Committee Alternatives to the Use of Non-Human Primates for DART Studies Working Group will participate in the “DART strategies for New Therapeutic Modalities” symposium to share insights and updates from these impactful DART initiatives. This session is co-chaired by our incoming HESI DART Public Sector Committee Chair, Dr. Steven van Cruchten.

For more information about DART activities, contact Connie Chen or Shermaine Mitchell-Ryan.

European Environmental Mutagenesis and Genomics Society/International Comet Annual Meeting

24 – 27 September 2024, Rovinj, Croatia

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The HESI Genetic Toxicology Technical Committee (GTTC) is proud to be a co-sponsor of the 52nd EEMGS and 15th ICAW Meeting meeting from September 23 – 27 in Rovinj, Croatia. GTTC will be kicking off the meeting with a pre-workshop “Where the Rubber Hits the Road: Transitioning Genotoxicity Testing from Academica to Regulatory Settings”, which will feature several GTTC members as speakers and will be co-chaired by GTTC manager, Connie Chen.

International Collaboration on Cosmetics Safety Annual Meeting

3 October 2024, Washington, DC, USA

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Michelle Embry, Ph.D., Deputy Director, Health and Environmental Sciences Institute (HESI), will be a featured plenary speaker at the ICCS 2024 Annual Meeting taking place in Washington, DC. Dr. Embry will discuss her work towards “one health assessment” with bioaccumulation as a learning which sits at the intersection of human and environmental health. Michelle will discuss the commonalities and differences between human and environmental health and how that has highlighted the advances and needs in next generation risk assessments (NGRA) and new approach methodologies (NAMs). Included also in her talk is the importance of problem formulation and the context regarding existing NGRA/NAMs with an emphasis on exposure and fate.

NeuTox Mini Session at Society for Neuroscience Annual Meeting

8 October 2024, Chicago, IL, USA

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We are excited to announce the upcoming Translational Biomarkers of Neurotoxicity (NeuTox) Mini Session at this year’s Society for Neuroscience Annual Meeting in Chicago! Join us for an enlightening session titled “Seizure and Epilepsy: New Opportunities for Detection and Treatment,” featuring esteemed speaker and HESI Board member Ruth A. Roberts.

Botanical Safety Consortium Summit 2024

10 – 11 October 2024, Hybrid, Durham, NC, USA


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The Botanical Safety Consortium (BSC) will hold it’s first in-person meeting (with virtual option) at NIEHS in Durham, NC in October 2024. The in-person meeting is limited to members, with preference for steering committee and working group members. The virtual option will be open to all.

The hybrid portion will include updates from the working group on the new approach methodologies (NAMs) tested for their suitability for botanicals. The in-person portions will include hands-on breakout groups and discussions to understand the current tool-kit, identify gaps, and identify future research priorities. Virtual connection information will be provided at a later date, expect an email with the connection information in the coming weeks for those who register.

Register on the event page here.


16th Annual Immunogenicity Bioassay Summit

16 – 18 October 2024, Washington, DC, USA

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We are excited to announce that the 16th Annual CHI Immunogenicity & Bioassay Summit will take place this fall in Washington, DC! This year, we are proud to have Chairs from the HESI Immuno-Safety Technical Committee’s Immunogenicity Pilot Study Project returning to share fresh insights from their ongoing research with our community.

Dr. Laurent Malherbe will be presenting an update on the collaborative HESI/AAPS effort aimed at developing a monoclonal antibody reference panel for preclinical immunogenicity risk assessment. Don’t miss this opportunity to stay informed and connect with leading experts in the field.

We look forward to seeing you there!

45th Annual American College of Toxicology Meeting

17 – 20 November 2024, Austin, Texas, USA

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We are thrilled to announce that the 45th Annual American College of Toxicology Meeting will be held in Austin, Texas! Several HESI committees have organized workshops and symposia to showcase their ongoing efforts.

Immuno-Safety Technical Committee
Symposium: “Immunogenicity Risk Assessment: Are Preclinical Models Informative?”
Date & Time: Monday, November 18th, 9:00 AM – 12:00 PM CT
Chairs: Drs. Laurent Malherbe and Kristina Howard

Developmental and Reproductive Toxicology Committee
Symposium: “Informing Risk of Infertility and Adverse Pregnancy Outcomes: Are Nonhuman Primates Really Needed? (S11)”
Date & Time: Monday, November 18th, 2:00 PM – 5:00 PM CT
Chairs: Drs. Christopher Bowman and Peter J.K. van Meer

We look forward to seeing you in Austin for this exciting event!


TEA Global Challenge

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HESI’s Committee on Transforming the Evaluation of Agrochemicals (TEA) invites you to participate in the TEA Global Challenge, a groundbreaking initiative focused on advancing ecological and human safety assessments of plant protection products using non-animal methods. This year’s challenge focuses on the safe use of a hypothetical grape fungicide (VineGuard).

Not familiar with agrochemicals? No problem! Anyone can participate!

Your mission is to propose creative solutions to evaluate the safety of VineGuard.

We offer great flexibility in how you can participate:

  • You are free to choose the scope of the problem you want to solve.
  • You can propose conceptual solutions (simply explain how you would proceed) or more specific solutions based on hypothetical datasets of your choice.
  • You only need to explain your approach, using the provided reporting template.

Exciting Rewards:

  • $2,000 USD in travel funds to attend a relevant scientific conference.
  • Support from the HESI TEA committee to publish your work.

For detailed guidelines, visit TEA Global Challenge website.

Watch our recent webinar outlining the Challenge!

HESI is Hiring a Scientific Program Manager!

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Looking for an exciting career in human or environmental toxicology, drug safety, biomedical innovation, regulatory science, epidemiology, exposure-science, and risk assessment — outside of the lab?

Want a great place to grow your career via collaboration with thought-leaders from government, industry, academia, clinic, and NGOs?

Seeking an opportunity to apply your skills in leadership and program management while applying science to real world challenges?

The Health and Environmental Sciences Institute (HESI), a global nonprofit scientific organization, seeks a Scientific Program Manager to help lead collaborative scientific programs in the biomedical and environmental health fields. Successful candidates will have a passion for fostering creative and rigorous scientific collaborations that pool expertise, resources, and technical input from a diverse base of stakeholders. HESI Scientific Managers are responsible for developing, managing, and providing scientific input to large international scientific teams that generate science to protect public health and the environment. HESI offers the opportunity to work with internationally recognized scientists from government, academia, NGOs, clinic, and industry. This responsible position requires leadership skills and the ability to work as part of a team to help realize HESI’s mission of achieving science for a safer, more sustainable world.

This position works in Washington, DC, and reports to the HESI Executive Director.


Provides scientific, strategic, management, and administrative support to collaborative scientific committees involving academic, government, nonprofit, and private sector scientists;

Works with committee members to design and execute novel scientific research programs, publications, workshops, and trainings;

Prepares and monitors committee budgets, assists with communications (technical and non-technical), supports membership development, facilitates workshops and meetings, and contributes to overall HESI strategy and outreach.


• A Master’s or Ph.D. in a scientific field such as toxicology, pharmacology, genetics, immunology, epidemiology, genetics, molecular biology, cell biology, pathology, chemistry, environmental health, or related life sciences and a minimum of 3 years of experience in project management, drug or chemical safety evaluation, scientific consulting, and/or regulatory affairs.
• Strong facilitation skills and the ability to work with groups meeting virtually or in person.
• Advanced written and verbal communication skills, outstanding management and organizational ability.
• At least 5 years of experience in project or program coordination.
• Leadership experience and presentation skills.
• Technical/scientific writing.


Expertise in any/all of the following areas preferred:

• Regulatory Science
• Exposure Science
• Drug Safety Assessment
• Chemical Safety Assessment
• Computational Toxicology


At HESI, it is our mission to collaboratively identify and help to resolve global health and environmental challenges through the engagement of scientists from academia, government, industry, clinical practice, research institutes and NGOs. We achieve that in a variety of ways:

Create a collaborative environment where scientists from academia, government, industry, and NGOs come together to find solutions that improve health and environmental safety.

Encourage the development of meaningful studies that ask the right questions, structure the right framework, and develop solutions that inform decision-making by both private- and public-sector scientists.

Create a knowledge base that can be easily transferred from the laboratory or journal page to real life.

Individuals interested in applying for this position should send their RESUME with COVER LETTER to Career@hesiglobal.org.

Principals only, please. Unsolicited resumes from third-party agencies will not be considered. Qualified applicants will receive consideration for employment without regard to race, color, religion, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, national origin, disability, or veteran status.

Learn more about us at www.hesiglobal.org.


Jennifer Pierson, MPH, HESI Associate Director for Program Development & Resourcing

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As we enter the latter part of the summer, many of our colleagues are taking their well-deserved annual holidays. Some will venture far and wide, seeking adventure in new and exciting destinations, while others will enjoy the tranquility of staying close to home. Regardless of how we choose to spend our time off, the work at HESI remains as dynamic as ever! This month alone, we are happy to announce three significant publications that highlight our ongoing research and commitment to advancing health and environmental sciences.

In addition to these publications, the past month has been active with numerous events across the globe, offering HESI the chance to share our important work. Our dedicated HESI staff and members have been actively participating in these events, sharing their expertise and insights, and furthering the impact of our collective work.

As we look ahead, the excitement continues to build. We are in the midst of preparing for a busy fall season, packed with international conferences and presentations. These upcoming events provide valuable opportunities for us to engage with the global scientific community, share our latest findings, and explore new avenues for collaboration.

I hope each of you takes the time to enjoy some well-earned rest and relaxation this summer. We look forward to welcoming you back, refreshed and ready to continue our important work together.

Kind regards,
Jennifer Pierson, MPH, HESI Associate Director for Program Development & Resourcing

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Health and Environmental Sciences Institute (HESI)

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740 15th Street NW, Suite 600
Washington, DC 20005

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