May 19, 2020, Society of Toxicology Virtual Meeting session on "Application of RISK21 Framework in Regulatory-Based Decision-Making: From Business Decisions to Prioritization to Risk Assessment." Links to full presentations below:
High-Throughput Risk-Based Prioritization for Ecological Risk Assessment. Jon Arnot, ARC Arnot Research & Consulting, Toronto, Ontario, Canada.
Exposure- and Hazard-Driven Prioritization for Evaluation of Chemicals in Canadian Drinking Water. Ivy Moffat, Health Canada, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada.
Using the RISK21 Framework as a Tiered Approach for Chemical Risk Assessment: A Proof of Concept. Sandrine Deglin, HESI, Washington, DC.
Use of RISK21 for Communication of Absolute and Comparative Risks: The Case of Glyphosate Use in Different Countries. Angelo Moretto, Università degli Studi di Milano, Milan, Italy.
Application of the RISK21 Framework as a Decision and Communication Support Tool to Inform Project Risk and Business Decisions in Crop Protection Active Substance Development. David Cowie, Syngenta, Bracknell, United Kingdom.
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