Quantitative Interpretation of Genetic Toxicity Dose Response Data for Risk Assessment and Regulatory Decision-Making: Current Status, Persistent Challenges, and Emerging Priorities

  • Event Name : Quantitative Interpretation of Genetic Toxicity Dose Response Data for Risk Assessment and Regulatory Decision-Making: Current Status, Persistent Challenges, and Emerging Priorities
  • Start Date/Time :
  • End Date/Time :
  • Location : Virtual workshop, hosted by HESI and the Environmental Mutagenesis and Genomics Society (EMGS)

The workshop will provide:

  1. A brief overview of the state of the science regarding quantitative interpretation of genetic toxicity dose-response data, including a brief overview of the BMD combined covariate approach for potency ranking and MOA investigation,
  2. A summary of recent genotoxicity risk assessment case studies, particularly those related the pharmaceutical impurities such as NDMA,
  3. An in-depth overview of issues pertaining to developing consensus CES values for genotoxicity endpoints,
  4. An in-depth overview of issues pertaining to the determination of effective AF values for routine interpretation of genotoxicity dose-response data for establishment of HBGVs, and
  5. A brief overview of issues pertaining to interpretation of in vitro genotoxicity dose-response data in a risk context.

The workshop will include two one-hour time slots for structured discussion aimed at delineating action items and next steps.

Workshop registration is free to HESI GTTC members. Learn more and register here: https://www.emgs-us.org/p/cm/ld/fid=544


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