HESI Workshop on Genetically Diverse Mouse Models in Drug Safety Testing Strategies

  • Start Date/Time :
  • Location : Washington, District of Columbia, USA

2012 HESI November Workshop

Workshop Overview

This workshop addressed a variety of models that capitalize upon the diversity of genetic variability and knowledge available in the mouse. Speakers described the model, and discussed the practical aspects of the proposed context of use for safety assessment. Where possible, speakers discussed relevant data that highlights the utility of the model under discussion. Formal talks were followed by a discussion session with the audience to address best practices for the use of these models in pharmaceutical development.

Please click here for the workshop agenda.

Workshop Presentations

In vivo studies using the classical mouse diversity panel
Dr. Alison Harrill, The Hamner Institutes
In vitro studies using MEFs derived from the mouse diversity panel
Dr. Rusty Thomas, The Hamner Institutes
In vitro and in vivo studies using the mouse diversity panel in drug discovery
Dr. Gary Peltz, Stanford School of Medicine
Overview of Collaborative Cross and use in studies
Dr. David Threadgill, North Carolina State University
Overview of Diversity Outcross and use in studies
Dr. Dan Gatti, The Jackson Laboratory
Pharmaceutical perspective on needs/challenges
Karissa Adkins (Pfizer) 

Please contact Dr. Raegan O’Lone at rolone@hesiglobal.org, for additional information.

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