HESI Presentations at the 49th Congress of the European Societies of Toxicology

  • Start Date/Time :
  • End Date/Time :
  • Location : Interlaken, Switzerland


Monday, September 2

 “Emerging needs for chemical safety and risk assessment in Europe”
12.00 – 13.00, Auditorium
HESI Lecture

  • Speaker: David R. Bell, European Chemicals Agency, Finland
  • Chair: Syril D. Pettit, HESI Executive Director, USA

Symposium 7: “RISK21: Novel thinking for 21st century risk assessment”
16.30 – 18.30, Auditorium
RISK21 Committee Activity


  • Alan Boobis, UK: “The HESI RISK21 project”
  • Herman Autrup, Denmark: “Optimizing the use of exposure information”
  • Richard Currie, UK: “Incorporation of mode-of-action information into dose-response assessment: the Quantitative Key Events / Dose-Response Framework (Q-KEDRF)”
  • Rory B. Conolly, USA: “In vitro to in vivo extrapolation (IVIVE) for human health risk assessment”
  • Angelo Moretto, Italy: “Assessing cumulative risk to multiple stressors”

Poster Presentation
Auditorium Foyer
HESI Genomics Committee Activity

  • Presenter: Catherine de la Moureyre-Spire, France: Multi-laboratory assessment of best practices for quantification of microRNAs associated with isoproterenol-induced myocardial injury in the urine and plasma of rats.  (Thompson K, et al., P02-16, Biomarkers poster session)

Tuesday, September 3

Workshop 13: “miRNAs: Mechanisms and safety issues”
16.00 – 18.00, Ball Room
HESI Genomics Committee Activity

  • Speaker: Catherine de la Moureyre-Spire, France: “The HESI inter-laboratory miRNA Project”

Poster Presentation
Club Casino
HESI Cardiac Safety Committee Activity

  • Presenter: Jean-Pierre Valentin, UK: Predictivity of non-clinical Repolarization Assay Data for clinical TQT Data in FDA Database (Valentin, JP, et al., P22-04, Safety Pharmacology poster session)

Wednesday, September 4

Workshop 15: “Translational imaging in non-clinical safety applications”
8.30–10.30, Brünig 1–3
HESI Imaging Committee Activity

  • Speaker: Robert W. Coatney, USA: “Echocardiography in non-clinical safety studies: adding value, and increasing acceptance and application”

A PDF of the schedule of HESI events at EUROTOX is available here.

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Health and Environmental Sciences Institute (HESI)

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