HESI at ICT2022 Symposium

  • Start Date/Time :
  • End Date/Time :
  • Location : Maastricht, The Netherlands

HESI will be attending the International Congress of Toxicology in Maastricht, Netherlands from 18-21 September 2022.


19 September 2022, 10am - NeuTox Committee Presentation

Session 03: (Target organ): Minimally-invasive Biomarkers of Central Nervous System Toxicity

  • Ruth Roberts (Chair and Director of Drug Discovery, University of Birmingham, UK): Overview of Fluidic Biomarkers of CNS toxicity - The HESI Consortium Approach

20 September 2022, 2:00-3:00 PM - HESI CITE Lecture

Auditorium 1: Andreas Bender (Centre for Molecular Science Informatics, University of Cambridge, UK): Using chemical and biological data and AI for predictive safety and toxicology 

21 September 2022, 11:00 – 13:00 – HESI PBPK Committee Session

Session 28: Putting the Puzzle Together: Multiple Lines of Evidence to Inform Design and Interpretation of Long-Term, Repeated-Dose Animal Studies to Inform Human Health Risk Assessment [Michelle Embry and Jos Bessems, chairs]

  • Nynke Kramer (Wageningen University, NL): In Vitro and In Silico Tools for Estimating Chemical-Specific Kinetic Processes
  • Cecilia Tan (United States Environmental Protection Agency, USA): Applying Physiologically Based Pharmacokinetic (PBPK) Modeling to Design and Optimize Animal Toxicity Studies
  • Alicia Paini (European Commission, Joint Research Centre, IT): Using Adverse Outcome Pathways (AOPs) to Support Tiered-Testing Strategies for Toxicity Assessment
  • Jeanne Domoradzki / Marco Covaro (Corteva Agriscience, USA): Putting the puzzle together: Integrated Weight of Evidence (WoE) Approach to Optimize Animal Toxicity Studies


  • New Approach Methodologies to Evaluate Botanical Safety - poster by Michelle Embry, HESI Botanical Safety Consortium

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