2012 HESI Annual Meeting

  • Start Date/Time :
  • End Date/Time :
  • Location : Prague, Czech Republic
  • Venue : Lindner Hotel Prague Castle


The ILSI Health and Environmental Sciences Institute (HESI) held its first Annual Meeting in Europe on June 12-14, 2012 at the Lindner Hotel Prague Castle, Prague, Czech Republic.

Meeting participants learned about HESI’s innovative scientific programs, shared opportunities for interdisciplinary approaches, engaged in networking with international experts, and helped shape HESI’s existing and future scientific portfolio.

To view the meeting booklet, click here.

Meeting Presentations

New Strategic Directions
Ms. Syril Pettit, HESI

Emerging Issues Session

HESI Emerging Issues Session
Dr. Dennis J. Devlin, Exxon Mobil Corporation

HESI Subcommittee on Evaluating Causality in Epidemiologic Studies
Dr. J. Michael Wright, US EPA

HESI Sustainable Alternatives Subcommittee
Dr. Robert Barter, ExxonMobil Biomedical Sciences Inc.

New Topic Areas for Consideration by HESI Constituency

The Utilization of Dried Blood Spot to Reduce Animal Usage in Non-Clinical Studies

Translational Safety Biomarker Assessment of Neurotoxicity

HESI Assembly and Mini-Symposium

HESI Assembly
Dr. Dennis Devlin, Exxon Mobil Corporation
Dr. Ken Wallace, University of Minnesota
Dr. Norb Kaminski, Michigan State University
Dr. Jay Goodman, Michigan State University

Program Strategy and Stewardship:  A Commitment to Scientific Rigor
Dr. Ronald Hines, Medical College of Wisconsin

State of the Science:  HESI Genomics Committee

HESI Application of Genomics to Mechanism-Based Risk Assessment Technical Committee: Collaborative Experimental Approaches to Improved Risk Assessment
Dr. Jiri Aubrecht, Pfizer Inc.

Multi-laboratory Assessment of Best Practices for Measuring Injury-associated MicroRNAs in Biofluids Using a Model of Isoproterenol-induced Myocardial Injury in Rats
Dr. Rick Paules, National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences

Mini-Symposium on Drug Safety Issues in Europe

Systems Toxicology Approaches to Drug Safety in EUrope
Dr. Beatriz Silva-Lima, Chair, EU Safety Working Party, Lisbon University

New Opportunities Offered by Public-Private Partnerships: The IMI Model
Dr. Michel Goldman, Innovative Medicines Initiative, Europe

HESI RISK21 Session

Risk Assessment for the 21st Century: RISK21 Session Overview and Introduction
Prof. Alan Boobis, Imperial College London

The RISK21 Project:  Novel Approach for Integrating Exposure Science, Dose-Response Assessment, IVIVE, and Cumulative Risk
Dr. John Doe, ParkerDoe Partnership

Risk Assessment for the 21st Century:  Case Studies
Dr. Douglas Wolf, USEPA

Panel Discussion on Current Trends in Risk Assessment

RISK 21- Challenges and Considerations from ECHA
Dr. David Bell, ECHA

Toxicity Testing in The 21st Century (NRC 2007):  Replacement of Traditional Toxicity Testing
Dr. John Christian Larsen, Danish Technical University

Animal Hazard-based to Human Internal Exposure-based Testing:  Opportunities for Priority Setting
Dr. Jos Bessems, RIVM

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Health and Environmental Sciences Institute (HESI)

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Washington, DC 20005

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