CT-TRACS Session at ISCT 2020 Virtual Meeting

  • Event Name : CT-TRACS Session at ISCT 2020 Virtual Meeting
  • Start Date/Time :
  • End Date/Time :
  • Location : Paris, France

Please note that due to health and safety concerns related to the COVID-19 pandemic, the ISCT 2020 Annual Meeting has been changed to a virtual meeting only. We have updated the information below accordingly and thank ISCT organizers for maintaining the HESI CT-TRACS session in the revised virtual program.

The HESI Cell Therapy – TRAcking, Circulation, & Safety (CT-TRACS) Committee is pleased to present a session on “Imaging Cellular Therapeutics” as part of the newly designed International Society for Cell & Gene Therapy (ISCT) Virtual Meeting program. The session will be pre-recorded and accessible to registered participants online starting May 28, 2020 at 7:00 AM CEST. During the two days of the virtual meeting, delegates will have the opportunity to post questions to speakers and the session chair via an open chat forum within the session virtual room. After the conclusion of the conference, the session recording will remain available to all delegates for streaming on-demand until 2021!

We look forward to interacting with you in this CT-TRACS Virtual Session and throughout the duration of the event, on May 28-29, 2020, featuring 30+ unique sessions, 45+ hours of live and on-demand streaming, and a fully interactive Poster Hall, Exhibit Hall, and Virtual Partnering Forum.


Session Details:

  • Title: “Imaging Cellular Therapeutics”
  • Chair: Dr. Brooke Helfer (Celsense, Inc.), CT-TRACS “Point of Administration / Biodistribution” Working Group Co-Chair
  • Duration: 90 minutes
  • Description: Guest speakers will present their experience with imaging cellular therapeutics to bring awareness to how non-invasive in vivo cell tracking technologies and methods can provide unique opportunities to optimize efficacy of cell-based therapies and aid in the assessment and management of eventual toxicities, and ultimately, benefit their clinical translation.


Learning Objectives: 

  • To learn about the different imaging modalities for monitoring cellular therapies
  • To learn about developing and available, clinically applicable cell tracking technologies
  • To learn how imaging can aid in the translation of cellular therapeutics



  • Introduction by Session Chair (Dr. Brooke Helfer, CT-TRACS PoA / BD Working Group Co-Chair)
  • Developments in Imaging Cell-Based Therapy: Applications in Cancer Immunotherapies (Dr. Jane Sosabowski, Barts Cancer Institute, Queen Mary University of London, UK)
  • Seeing is Believing: In Vivo Microscopy for Optimizing Cellular Immunotherapies (Dr. Bettina Weigelin, Werner Siemens Imaging Center, Eberhard Karls Universität Tübingen, Germany)
  • Monitoring of Intracerebellar Delivery of Natural Killer Cells (Dr. Vidya Gopalakrishnan, MD Anderson Cancer Center, University of Texas, USA)
  • Panel discussion (~15-20 minutes)

For more information, please contact Dr. Lucilia Mouriès at lmouries@hesiglobal.org.

CT-TRACS Session Speaker Bios

  • Jane Sosabowski, PhD

    Reader in Molecular Imaging, Barts Cancer Institute, Queen Mary University of London

  • Bettina Weigelin, PhD

    Group Leader, Werner Siemens Imaging Center, Eberhard Karls Universität Tübingen

  • Vidya Gopalakrishnan, PhD

    Associate Professor, Division of Pediatrics, MD Anderson Cancer Center, University of Texas

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