Collaboration on Ototoxicity Risk Assessment (CORA): Understanding Ototoxicity Risk

  • Event Name : 2021 HESI Annual Meeting
  • Start Date/Time :
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  • Location : virtual, hosted by HESI

Collaboration on Ototoxicity Risk Assessment (CORA): Understanding Ototoxicity Risk
Dr. Rick Neitzel, University of Michigan

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Abstract: Understanding Ototoxicity Risk
HESI’s newest project from the Emerging Issues Committee is the Collaboration on Ototoxicity Risk Assessment (CORA). CORA is focused on finding a better understanding of the causes and risks of ototoxicity. This presentation will focus on the current state of the science, discuss the project plans and invite new participants to join.

Bio: Dr. Rick Neitzel, University of Michigan

Dr. Rick Neitzel is an exposure scientist whose research focuses on the characterization of exposures to noise, heavy metals and other ototoxins, psychosocial stressors, and injury risk factors, as well as a range of adverse health effects associated with these exposures. His work, and the work of his team in the UM Exposure Research lab, takes place in occupational and community settings both domestically and abroad. He is particularly interested in incorporating new methodologies and exposure sensing technologies into research, and also has a strong interest in translating his research findings into occupational and public health practice. He directs the UM Risk Science and Human Health Certificate program, and is also Director of the Pilot Project Research Grant Program of the UM Center for Occupational Heath and Safety Engineering.

Prior to his appointment to the faculty of the UM Department of Environmental Health Sciences, he worked as a Research Scientist in the University of Washington Department of Environmental and Occupational Health Sciences from 1998-2011. He has been a Certified Industrial Hygienist since 2003

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