Mode of Action Approaches That Identify Genotoxic Mechanisms in Mammalian Cell Systems Workshop

  • Start Date/Time :
  • End Date/Time :
  • Location : Newark, Delaware, USA



Standard in vitro genetic toxicology assays are intended for hazard identification and only provide limited mode of action information. Without understanding the molecular initiating event, it is often challenging to establish clear structure activity relationships and the genotoxic risk associated with the exposure to these compounds. Recent developments in new assay platforms allow for the collection of mode of action information concurrently or as follow-up to the assays to positive responses in the standard genetic toxicology battery. However, most of these technologies have not been evaluated in the context of their use to establish a cellular genotoxic mode of action.

The HESI Genetic Toxicology Technical Committee (GTTC) will hold the workshop in conjunction with the Genetic Toxicology Association (GTA) annual meeting on 10 May 2017 in Newark, Delaware.  The first part of the workshop is intended to establish key cellular and genetic events for defined molecular initiating events like tubulin poisons, alkylating agents and topoisomerase inhibitors. Similar to adverse outcome pathways (AOPs), the sequence of events will be summarized in a pathway map and possible ways to detect key cellular events will be proposed and discussed.

The second part of the workshop aims to discuss technologies like toxicogenomics, flow cytometric biomarker assays and other mechanistic platforms that could help to establish a genotoxic mode of action. For each of these technologies, the basic platforms will be described and specific examples of each application will be shown. In addition, technologies will be evaluated for favorable and unfavorable properties using a SWOT (Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, Threats) analysis. The outcome of the workshop will be presented on the 2nd day of the GTA meeting.

Workshop Agenda

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Registration for the workshop is free and you may register for the workshop without attending the GTA meeting.  However, register by April 10th to avoid a $50 late fee. Please visit the GTA meeting registration site to register for the workshop.


HESI Future Leaders Travel Award (FLT)

This event is eligible for the FLT Award. Read more about the award and complete the application here. Applications are due March 27, 2017.


Workshop Accommodations

Please visit the GTA meeting site for lodging information.  Please reserve your room by April 17, 2017.



For those attending the GTTC annual meeting (May 7-9), please register for one-way bus transportation from Alexandria, VA to Newark, DE for the morning of May 10, when registering for the GTTC meeting, if interested.


Workshop Organizing Committee

Laura Custer, Bristol-Myers Squibb

Giel Hendriks, Toxys

George Johnson, Swansea University

Stefan Pfuhler, Procter & Gamble

Dan Roberts, iuvo BioScience

Jennifer Sasaki, Genentech

Maik Schuler, Pfizer

Ashley Sullivan, Procter & Gamble

Jennifer Tanir, HESI

Jan van Benthem, RIVM

Please contact Jennifer Tanir ( with any questions.


Contact Us

Health and Environmental Sciences Institute (HESI)
Phone: +1-202-659-8404
Fax: +1-202-659-8403

740 15th Street NW, Suite 600
Washington, DC 20005

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