Sustainable Chemical Alternatives Committee Working Meeting

  • Event Name : Sustainable Chemical Alternatives Committee Working Meeting
  • Start Date/Time :
  • End Date/Time :
  • Location : American Chemical Society, Washington, DC, United States
  • Venue : American Chemical Society

The purpose of the meeting was to develop a new work plan and to investigate several topics: improving the predictivity of assessment approaches by defining sources of variability and identifying core data elements/types for hazard assessment, identifying opportunities to appropriately include environmental data/considerations in these assessments, and exploring methods of integrating exposure into alternatives assessment. Over 30 attendees included a mix of committee members and other invitees from the public and private sectors, with expertise in exposure science, ecotoxicity, toxicology, and chemical assessment tool use and development.

To set the stage and build on recent activities, presentations were provided on a pilot project of the American Chemistry Council that compared several AA methodologies/tools, the NAS 2014 report on A Framework to Guide Selection of Chemical Alternatives, and three widely used tools for AA: GreenWERCS, GreenScreen, and SciVera Lens. Attendees then participated in three breakout discussions on human health, environmental safety, and exposure, in order to define work plans for the committee.  As a result of the working meeting, the committee started a new project on incorporating exposure information into chemical alternatives assessment and expanded its approach to addressing data gaps. The committee also gained over 10 new participants and renewed the enthusiasm and productivity of the projects.

Please click here to download the meeting agenda.

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