2015 HESI Annual Meeting

  • Start Date/Time :
  • End Date/Time :
  • Location : Washington, DC, USA

HESI 2015 Annual Meeting banner

Please click here to access information related to the 7-8 June 2016 HESI Annual Meeting.

The ILSI Health and Environmental Sciences Institute (HESI) held its 2015 Annual Meeting on 9-12 June 2015 at the Westin Georgetown, Washington, DC, USA.

The program booklet for the 2015 Annual Meeting is linked below:

Annual Meeting Presentations

A Year in Review - HESI Executive Director, Syril D Pettit

HESI Cardiovascular Safety Committee:  Bridging nonclinical and clinical science for enhanced cardiac safety –  Dr. Brian Berridge

HESI Genomics Committee:   New tools for safety assessment:  small RNA biomarkers and an in vivo model for epigenetic effects - Dr. Karol Thompson (FDA)

HESI Protein Allergenicity Committee: Practical challenges in biosafety assessment of novel proteins – Dr. Scott McClain (Syngenta Crop Protection)

PATC Satellite context talk:  Practical challenges in biosafety assessment - Willy K. Tonui, PhD, RBP, Chief Executive Officer, Kenya National Biosafety Authority

Investing in Innovation - Dr. Misti Ushio, Harris Group

ILSI: Clean Water, Enhanced Nutrition, Healthier Populations – Syril Pettit, HESI Executive Director

Food Security and Ecosystem Services Speaker - Dr. Segenet Kelemu, Director General, African Insect Science for Food and Health (ICIPE).

Global Burden of Disease 2013: Environmental and Occupational Risks - Dr. Theo Vos –Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation

Emerging Issues Proposals

Emerging Issues Presentations

Models / Tests to Assess Stem Cells as Therapeutic Agents.  Using Imaging Technology to Evaluate Stem Cell Safety, Mode of Action and Efficacy
Presented by: Dr. Bill Shingleton (GE Healthcare) and Dr. Greg Mullen (Kings College London)

Transforming Exposure Science Through a Strategic Integration of Emerging Technologies and Big Data to Improve Predictive Exposure Capabilities
Presented by: Dr. Rosemary Zaleski (ExxonMobil Biomedical Sciences)

Nonclinical Efficacy and Safety Studies in Support of Neonatal Pediatric Therapeutics Use and Development
Presented by: Dr. Melissa Tassinari (FDA)
Please contact Ms. Cyndi Nobles (cnobles@hesiglobal.org) for additional information.

Past HESI Annual Meetings

2014 Annual Meeting
2013 Annual Meeting
Archived Annual Meetings

Contact Us

Health and Environmental Sciences Institute (HESI)

Phone: +1-202-659-8404
Fax: +1-202-659-8403

740 15th Street NW, Suite 600
Washington, DC 20005

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