
Environmental Epidemiology for Risk Assessment Committee

Mission Statement

The committee’s mission is to engage the epidemiology, exposure, and regulatory communities in discussing what risk assessors need from epidemiology studies to make informed decisions; discuss incentives and barriers to making epidemiology studies better adapted to risk assessment; and develop areas of consensus between risk assessors and epidemiologists, as well as identify a path forward to realize the full potential of epidemiology data in risk assessment.

Working Groups

  • Quantitative Bias Analysis Workshop

    The committee has been preparing a 3-part case study-based workshop, to discuss the use of Quantitative Bias Analysis (QBA) in the evaluation of epidemiological data. The goal of the workshop is to explore how to make QBA more accessible to epidemiologists and risk assessors, and to develop training materials to facilitate its understanding and encourage its use.

  • Risk Assessor Survey

    A survey was developed to determine the value that risk assessors grant to epidemiological data, as well as the needs that should be addressed so these data are better integrated in human health risk assessment. The survey was deployed among risk assessors in North and South America, Europe and Asia, and the responses were thoroughly analyzed.

  • Risk Assessors Survey Manuscript

    The manuscript based on the analysis of the risk assessor survey is now available!

    Improving the integration of epidemiological data into human health risk assessment: What risk assessors told us they want. Phillips et al., 2024. Global Epidemiology. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.gloepi.2024.100167

  • Web platform

    The Committee continues to try and develop community of practice around the theme of epidemiology and risk assessment via the EpiFoRa web platform and database, the goal being to foster collaboration among epidemiologists, risk assessors, exposure scientists, toxicologists and other experts as well as students.

  • Webinar Series

    The committee is working to develop a webinar series to illustrate how epidemiological data can be used in human health risk assessment, and the key principles that will help increase the use of human data in this field.

    View webinars on our YouTube channel here.

  • Past Working Groups

    Funding Focus Group: This group aimed to (1) explore funding mechanisms to better understand funders’ priorities when funding research and (2) obtain insight from funding agencies on what might be needed to increase the impact of epidemiological research on human health risk assessment. View webinars on our YouTube channel here.

    Focus Group Summary: A publication summarizing the outcome of the the five focus group meetings held over the past two years is in development.

Committee Resources

HESI Staff

  • Sandrine Deglin, PhD

    Senior Advisor, Center for Environmental and Ecological Health (CEEH)

  • Connie Chen, PhD, MPH

    Senior Advisor, Center for Translational Sciences (CTS)


Leadership Team

  • David Miller, MS, MPH

    US Environmental Protection Agency (retired)

  • Igor Burstyn, PhD

    Drexel University

  • Heidi Erickson, PhD


Committee Events

This year, the HESI Environmental Epidemiology Committee launched a webinar series to illustrate the critical role epidemiology can play in the field of quantitative risk assessment. Speakers will provide insight on how to best realize the full potential of human studies in risk assessment and public health decision-making and will feature ongoing efforts in this space.

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Committee Publications

Environmental Epidemiology and Risk Assessment: Exploring a Path to Increased Confidence in Public Health Decision-Making

Throughout history, environmental epidemiology has proven crucial to identify certain threats to human health and to provide a basis for the development of life-saving public health policies. However, epidemiologists are facing challenges when studying tenuous threats such as environmental exposure to chemicals, whose ...

Read more

Considerations towards the better integration of epidemiology into quantitative risk assessment

This paper summarizes five key ideas that emerged from multi-sectoral and multi-stakeholder activities of HESI's Environmental Epidemiology for Risk Assessment Committee that could help improve how human data inform quantitative health risk assessment and decision making. It highlights the needs for concerted efforts from ...

Read more

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Health and Environmental Sciences Institute (HESI)

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